In today's economic enviroment,service based economy and all, one is able to bill rate payers for outages, but not for construction costs, if I remember my nuke econ class correctly. If I haven't, I am sure to be corrected quickly.
Last time I checked, Containment structures were not designed to be routinely accessed. Those Containments that were designed for routine accessibility, surely did not intend for the Steam Generator Manways to be opened on a routine basis. Now if you would like to design such a system, be my guest, however, it is difficult enough to get plants licensed under the current philosphies of radiation controls.
Sir, you have it exactly 180 degrees out of phase. You can bill the rate payer for a new plant, but a SCHEDULED outage you cannot pass on to the rate payer. Now if you come up from the outage and a day later you trip, so be it, the rate payer gonna pay.
Second.... Containment Structures ARE routinely accessed. Sometimes daily, depending on the plant. This ain't the old world you must be accustomed to. And by routinely, sorry I did not SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU, by routinely I meant MULTIPLE TIMES IN A PLANTS LIFE. You build the SG Man way more accessible, you cut down on dose, and on time. WIN WIN. Now what does the accessability of the man ways have to do with licencing. I tell you what NOTHING. The NRC does not care if you have to have two men and a small boy to access your SG's, as long as the plant is safe.
Care to throw out anymore key words and tricky phrases?