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Building a better Nuke Plant
seems to me to be alara to install yer cameras in a shielded mode when yer building this here better nuke than to waste yer valuable manrem putting them in 'n takin dem out when things get hot. 'cause when yinz get to bulding this here hp prescibed plant, yer annual rem limit is gonna be 500 mrem.
The Reason they don't put the Primary water on the outside of the tubes is it's less expensive to make a tube that'll hold 2500# than it is to make a vessel that'll hold 2500#. You'd need SG with the same thickness as the RPV. (ASME Code) And you'd jack the price of ONE SG almost 50 to 60 times the amount it is today.
Ah yes. The troublesome S/Gs. Precisley why TVA and who ever else their teaming with is looking hard at advanced boilers for their next project at Bellefont, planned to go on line sometime in 2025.
Roll Tide:
--- Quote from: idrum4food on Jul 19, 2004, 09:19 ---Ah yes. The troublesome S/Gs. Precisley why TVA and who ever else their teaming with is looking hard at advanced boilers for their next project at Bellefont, planned to go on line sometime in 2025.
--- End quote ---
That, and the fact that the mental midgets on the PWR side of the house decided on a 600 MWe design as their standard. Even though they promised to sharpen their pencils and come back with a 1000 MWe design, that is about 20% smaller than the ABWR!
Love permanent cables for cameras, audio antennas, monitors, dosimetry, etc. However, when something ain't right, takes forever to find & fix. Just a consideration...
Also consider high gamma fields when poisitioning cameras. They do wear out video receptors quickly. ::)
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