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Building a better Nuke Plant
A S/G is just a heat exchanger, I souldnt make any difference if the Hot water is inside the tubes or outside. And put the Primary Separators in the Turbine Building.But I could be wrong on the thermodynamic part. Time to go hit the books...
'cuse me, today is as slow as yesterday, apparently. i thought the design change was to reduce radiation/contamination concerns, and here we are pumping primary to the turbine bldg? maybe we should just eliminate those pesky S/G thingys and spin the tubine with the primary coolant in it's original steam mode?
yeah, we could get rid of those pesky S/G thingys, just take the steam right from off of the core. We could even put in some kind of box whatchamacallit with zig zag paths to trap out the moisture to help save the turbine blades. Hey! We could even put in some kind of dryer thingy after the moisture one to... Oh!...never mind.
Rain Man:
Sloglo and rooYou2 have it...a new design....the P/BWR.
P/BWR; wasn't that the design change that toledo edison had in mind in the 89 -90 cycle?
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