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Offline Atombob

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  Dade Moeller offers an RSO training course. This same course is also offered by Thomas Edison State University. I decided to take the TECEP (test out) exam as an elective for my  Radiation Protection / Health Physics BSAST. The exam covers the general stuff like radiation fundamentals, instrumentation, dosimetry, shipping etc. It also covers some material that I may be less familiar with like, training programs, managing safety programs,and licensing issues. Other that brushing up on all the regs (CFR 19,20,30,31,33 etc, does anyone know of any other resources I can use to prepare. Has anyone ever taken this course or exam that has any feedback? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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Offline Dave Warren

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Re: Radiation Safety Officer training (Dade Moeller / TESU)
« Reply #1 on: Jun 20, 2017, 01:18 »
The course I took through Dade Moeller in Las Vegas was very informative. If you have been in the business for any amount of time, this course is a breeze. It doesn't matter if you are a good test taker or get nervous before tests or any of that. This is more of an informative 40-hour course and they put you in a more interactive session, instead of "read 100 pages and there will be a test tomorrow". They do have a instrument Jeopardy game where everyone in the class participates. You are also required to use different sources with different instruments and come to an answer within a certain range. So, most everything you will see is informative and the tests are fairly simple. If you can get your company to pay for it, its a great week in Vegas. I would recommend it to anyone and the classroom is directly across from the Palms casino.

Offline Atombob

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Re: Radiation Safety Officer training (Dade Moeller / TESU)
« Reply #2 on: Jun 20, 2017, 04:19 »
 Thanks, Dave,
   I am currently attending Thomas Edison State University for my BSAST in Radiation Protection/Health Physics. Yes, I've been swinging a meter all over the place for nearly 16 years. I'm not taking the course, I am just taking the "exam for credit" (test out) as an elective (3 credits). There is no instruction, it's more of a study on your own time thing. I just have until the end of the semester to log in and take the exam. I'm a pretty good test taker. I passed the NRRPT last year with a couple months of studying. I have a handle on all the basic fundamentals. I was just looking for someone who may have taken the exam before and could recommend study material for the topics I'm not sure about, such as training programs, managing safety programs, and licensing issues.
Thanks again for the info!

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Offline SloGlo

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Re: Radiation Safety Officer training (Dade Moeller / TESU)
« Reply #3 on: Jun 20, 2017, 10:16 »
iffen yins did nrrpt, ya shood knotvhave problems wit rso test out.
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Offline Atombob

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Re: Radiation Safety Officer training (Dade Moeller / TESU)
« Reply #4 on: Jun 21, 2017, 03:17 »
Thanks, SloGlo,
 You're probably right. It is a 70 question multiple choice exam and I only need a 70% to pass. I'm sure it can't be as difficult as the NRRPT, especially with only four possible answers instead of five. That extra distractor can sometimes be a bi**h!
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