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Offline Tylor

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Direct SRO requirements?
« on: Dec 26, 2017, 06:32 »
As far as I know, if you want to go directly into an SRO position at a nuclear power plant, you must be qualified RO or EWS and be standing that watch for 2 years.

My question is this: Is that a hard requirement?

I am about to qualify EWS on my submarine and my current PRD is 1 year and 11 months from now. Should I pursue extending onboard to reach my 2 years, or will it not matter, as 1 year 11 months is basically 2 years? If it is a hard and fast requirement, not waived, then I will probably just leave the boat early for prototype, because boat life is absolute garbage.

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Offline MMM

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Re: Direct SRO requirements?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 26, 2017, 07:36 »
I believe the verbiage actually says 24 months, and yes, that's a hard requirement (there are a couple other means of going direct SRO, but not for navy). I have known one person to get a waiver, but he had a MS in Nuclear Engineering, and probably some other awesome stuff on his resume. If you apply with exactly 24 months as EWS, there is a good chance that you'll get passed over.

That being said, starting as an NLO is a lot easier. There's a DSRO in my crew who started at the same time as me and has to do almost everything I have to do to qualify as an NLO (minus 9 of the 10 watches at each station) but only has a year to do it, as opposed to me having 26 months. Plus the opportunity for time and a half and double time pay is pretty nice.


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Re: Direct SRO requirements?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 26, 2017, 08:45 »
The NRC will no longer waive less than 24 months

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Direct SRO requirements?
« Reply #3 on: Jan 15, 2018, 11:27 »
Many utilities try to avoid hiring direct SROs and some avoid it altogether.  If you start as an NLO you can always work up to being an SRO later.  There are guys who go to license class after only being an NLO for a year or two.   You may even find that you like being an NLO better and not even want to move up.  Many of the ex-navy nukes at the plant I work at like being an NLO and wouldn't dream of going to RO let alone SRO.  NLO's get paid pretty well and will likely be union and have way better overtime rules than a company SRO.  My point basically is, don't stay on the boat if you don't want to just so you can meet the requirements to be a direct SRO.  Direct SRO off the street is a tough gig to find and you would probably enjoy your life more starting off as an NLO.

Offline MMM

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Re: Direct SRO requirements?
« Reply #4 on: Jan 16, 2018, 08:14 »
If you get your 24 months as EWS and start as an NLO, you can go direct SRO from there, as it will be an internal hire, and will have a higher chance of success. Also by going NLO, there are other paths to SRO, either direct by earning a degree or upgrade through RO.


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