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Offline bino1121

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Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« on: Jul 01, 2017, 09:20 »
Hello, I have been researching this program for a few weeks now my situation is a little different then I've seen other people who apply for this program. I'm currently in college as a Junior my GPA however is embarrassingly low due to screwing around my first few semesters plummeting my GPA to 2.3 which I've been trying to restore but takes a long time. When I switched my major though I started to actually apply myself because I found something that came easily. I transferred to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) an begun taking courses geared towards a Electrical Engineering degree. Since I have transferred to ERAU for the 3 semesters that I've been here I've gotten a 4.0 GPA for each individual semester. MY question is what is the likely hood that I would even be considered as a candidate or is it silly to think that I would be considered?[/font]Thank you
« Last Edit: Jul 01, 2017, 11:12 by bino1121 »

Offline spekkio

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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #1 on: Jul 01, 2017, 10:16 »
0% if you don't apply.

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #2 on: Jul 03, 2017, 10:55 »
They usually look for around a 3.0 cumulative GPA minimum to be competitive for NUPOC as a line officer.  There's no hard minimum and I got in with less than a 3.0 GPA.  They also look at your major, college, and ACT scores.  It really depends on how many people are applying though.  It may help that you really turned your grades around so they may be willing to overlook a lower GPA.  I think you have a shot at getting in as a line officer, especially if you keep improving your GPA.  If you find a NUPOC recruiter they should be able to give you a better and more up to date assessment of your chances.  If you want to go instructor or NR Engineer, your chances are pretty remote (NR Engineer would need like a 3.8 GPA).

« Last Edit: Jul 03, 2017, 10:58 by ComradeRed1308 »

Offline bino1121

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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #3 on: Jul 05, 2017, 05:46 »
My major is mechanical engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University my GPA Climbing slowly. If I were to transfer schools and then take an average of my GPAs would that be possible or will they just look at the lowest one? Lastly, not to sound stupid but what is a line Officer? I have really only looked up the NR, teacher, and sub/surface worker.

Thank you

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #4 on: Jul 05, 2017, 09:13 »
A line officer is a sub/surface officer.  You would be an Unrestricted Line Officer which means you essentially can be used in any billet within your community at sea and are eligible to succeed to command, which means you are able to be a Commanding Officer of a warship.  (That would usually take over 20 years of being an officer or your entire chain of command above you being killed all at once.)  For your eligibility, they would probably look at your overall GPA and the specific grades you got in your technical classes with an emphasis on Math/Physics/Thermo/Chemistry.  Your grades in non-technical classes will probably be ignored for the most part unless you did really poorly in them.  I don't know the specifics of what exactly they look at or how much transferring schools would help you.  I wouldn't transfer schools just to be more competitive for NUPOC unless you were already planning on transferring to be more competitive in general.  I would recommend talking with a NUPOC recruiter for more specific advice. 

Also, if you haven't checked out it yet I would recommend browsing  You can send the site admin an email with your questions and he should be able to give you the best advice.  I went through the NUPOC pipeline 7 years ago, so your experience might be different than mine.

Also, I know my college had a freshman forgiveness program where if you did poorly in a class your first year, you could retake it and your original grade would be removed from your record if you did better.  Ask your school if they do anything like that or if you could retake any of your classes you originally did poorly in to get a better grade (especially Math/Physics classes).  They might not discount the original grade, but they might add the new grade into your GPA and it would be something more to show NR that you got your s**t together and that you're willing to go the extra step to rectify past mistakes.  But before you do any of that, talk to a NUPOC recruiter.
« Last Edit: Jul 06, 2017, 02:23 by Nuclear NASCAR »

Offline bino1121

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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #5 on: Jul 18, 2017, 03:39 »
Hey guys thanks for the information thus far! I am waiting to here back from an officer recruiter right now about setting up an appointment with them to hopefully further discuss the NUPOC program! Although I'm still thinking I'm going to be laughed out of the building for attempting to apply for NUPOC with such a low GPA even though I've gotten my S**t together fingers crossed though just hoping to get a chance! I'll keep you guys posted with what I find out thanks again


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Re: Realistic chances of getting into NUPOC???
« Reply #6 on: Jul 18, 2017, 03:44 »
I am waiting to here back from an officer recruiter right now about setting up an appointment with them to hopefully further discuss the NUPOC program!

Smart move. If you don't ask, you don't get.


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