I cannot seem to find answers to this question, so I am hoping for some type of direction. I am a former shiny side Nuke MM who served on the Truman. Did a combat deployment, did some time in the yards and then got out in a little less than 4 years because of my weight, still an honorable discharge. Since getting out, finding a job as a maintenance tech has been very easy both via a headhunter and by applying to jobs myself. I have had 2 jobs as a maintenance tech and am going to school for Industrial Maintenance with concentrations in Mechanical and Electrical as well as Robotics. I will be graduating with those 3 Associate's degrees hopefully at the end of next summer, so about this time next year. I love maintenance, but I loved being a Nuke. I hated all of the politics associated with it, but I desperately wish I could have stayed in. I want to be in the Nuclear field as an operator or doing maintenance, but I have no idea where to start. I have a nuclear plant in my home town (TVA's Brown's Ferry), but I cannot get any info on when they would have any SGPO classes so I've pretty much given up on TVA at this point. What do I need to do to get the process started? It's not like I can just go and apply for nuclear operator, right? I have no problem moving, and if the right opportunity came up, I would even leave before I finished school as much as I would like to finish. I loved operating, but could definitely do maintenance, I just want to be in the nuclear field. I feel ridiculous having received all of my training and not being able to get in the field that I love so much. I know that are civilian tests to take, but do I take that and then get contacted by a plant? Is there somewhere I can call in a company to find out if they have jobs open for this? It seems like every site I go to tells me all about a nuclear operator and what they do, but no where can I actually apply. I just need some help. I know I can get a good job as a maintenance tech somewhere in a regular plant, but I know my whole life I will still be drawn to the nuclear field.