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Author Topic: Any chance of plant operations becoming fully automated? (hydro)  (Read 3558 times)

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Offline whitemike

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i know this isnt a hydro forum, but ive read that many of you are familiar with the industry, and this question pertains to plant operations in general.
I have a great opportunity for a hydro operator apprenticeship.  In the opinion of experienced operators, do you think theres any chance in the next decade or two that plant operators could be phased out and replaced by full automation?  Im an electrician with a utility company now and before I transfer to the generation side (same company) interested in what people think the future could hold for operators.

Offline MMM

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While the process might become fully automated, the company will likely still want a couple people onsite or in rapid response distance incase there's a problem. I will say hydro is more likely to have more automation than other generation types, as there's a somewhat less danger to the local population if a problem occurs.


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