Career Path > General
watt problems with coexisting careers
sew, eye yam wondering watt problems wood bee encountered by a contract nuke whose employed buy a company which markets a product frowned upon by the federal gubbermint? say, fore instance, a rentatech gits a job as a cue sea tech at a licensed medical marijuana production facility. is said tech liable two bee denied unescorted access at his next outage position?
My guess is that the people that can answer that question will not spend the time to translate it into English.
The real answer is: Contact your employer, and ask them. They are the only people who can answer it.
I suspect since fitness of duty is the real issue working at a legitimate company would not be more than a raised eyebrow and maybe some extra random tests.
--- Quote from: Rennhack on Aug 28, 2017, 05:35 ---My guess is that the people that can answer that question will not spend the time to translate it into English.
The real answer is: Contact your employer, and ask them. They are the only people who can answer it.
--- End quote ---
hail, they dew knot no, said it was upto the licensee.
I was talking to an old friend the other day, just after he finished a PHQ. He said there was a new question in the drug/alcohol arrest segment. It was asking if the applicant had been arrested for a drug which was illegal under federal statutes, but was legal under state statutes.
Don't know if this will help or not.
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