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Offline PeterPaul

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2.5 Year Security Clearance Hold
« on: Sep 07, 2017, 04:32 »
I'm a Naval Officer in the NUPOC pipeline, currently on hold for power school. I've been on hold since my OCS graduation in the summer of 2015. I'll have been in three years in March, at which point (according to what I was told today) I will be separated.

All of my contacts have been interviewed once or twice, no major financial concerns other than a student loan account I didn't know about going delinquent, then being paid, and then being taken off my credit report. My step-father was born in Egypt, but has been a citizen since the 80's and I have no other foreign contacts. My wife has horrible credit thanks to her parents, but that is years in the past and I was told it wouldn't be an issue.

I was told by an investigator last October that my case had "fallen through the cracks" and was top priority now. Still nothing. I've asked my command and am told that security clearances are handled by an outside agency and they have no influence/no way to check status. I have no idea what is going on.

Is there anything I can do at this point?

Thanks in advance.

Offline MMM

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Re: 2.5 Year Security Clearance Hold
« Reply #1 on: Sep 07, 2017, 08:46 »
Get your resume ready and start looking for a job. Your security clearance is out of your control, plus at this point you've missed the early milestones for your career, so even if you get your clearance, you likely won't advance beyond LT, which is unfortunate when it's due to things outside your control.

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: 2.5 Year Security Clearance Hold
« Reply #2 on: Sep 12, 2017, 11:46 »
The sad part is that this probably has nothing to do with a security issue and everything to do with someone retiring or resigning and not turning this over.  If it does get resolved, I don't think it will sink your long term Navy career, just be prepared to not have a shore duty between your JO and DH tour.  (Which would suck to an extremely high degree.)  You could try calling the Office of Personnel Security and try to ask what's up and keep badgering them, but it definitely should have been accepted or rejected by now.  (It should've been done before you even left for OCS.)  I won't hurt you to be annoying in this case.  But, I agree with MMM that you should start preparing for the contingency that this doesn't get resolved.  The only direct thing you can do is just avoid any trouble with the law or major financial problems from here on out and hope for the best.


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