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Offline silverstar808

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NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« on: Nov 29, 2011, 11:06 »
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, but thought I could find some answers to my question on here. I'm currently a senior in electrical engineering (BS) and I am in the process of talking to a recruiter about joining NUPOC. Being the only son in the family, my parents want to know if being a naval officer is considered as a "soldier." For example, if I am on sea duty, is there a chance of entering a war? Will I be called into the battlefield in some cases?

Also, my recruiter told me that students who graduated from OCS starts as Ensign, which is equivalent to O1 grade. I took a look at the pay scale for O1 and it's at $2828 monthly. Am I missing something or is the paying in the navy suppose to be this low?

Thank you


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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #1 on: Nov 30, 2011, 05:55 »
Your not missing a thing..your a rookie coming out of college so you dont get paid like someone with experience.

And for your other question:

No--you dont get a free pass out of a war just because you are an only son....I was one of those also.


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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #2 on: Nov 30, 2011, 07:16 »
Regarding pay:  $2828 is the BASE PAY.  Depending on the area you live in, you will receive BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR HOUSING (BAH).  This is to offset cost of housing depending on where you live.  You will also receive a BASIC ALLOWANCE FOR SUBSIStENCE (BAS); this is fixed at $223.04 per month.  If you are at a sea going command, you are entitled to SEA PAY.  If you are a submariner, you receive SUB PAY.

I encourage you to talk to your recruiter about pay and entitlements when joining the military, and then fact check him on your own, as it seems you're doing.

As far as being a "soldier":  you're joining the Navy, most likely you'll be a SWO(N) or a Submariner, so you are first and foremost a SWO or a Sub guy.  You'll go to nuke school, do your time on the ship, get your pin, and meet all the other wickets for a Navy Nuke.

Afterwards, if you stay in, there is a chance that you could support GWOT, either voluntarily or involuntarily.  Chances of this happening depend on a number of things, and are really unpredictable.  If this (probably slim) chance is a deal breaker for you, then consider that the military might not be for you.  I know plenty of submarine officers and a few SWOs that have NOT had to go directly support the GWOT overseas, and only a handful that have.  Most of those were by choice, some were not.  If you use that as a probability of having to be a "soldier", then the chances are unlikely.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #3 on: Nov 30, 2011, 07:35 »
Being the only son in the family, my parents want to know if being a naval officer is considered as a "soldier."

Contrary to popular belief, "only sons," "the last son to carry the family name," and "sole surviving sons" must register for the draft, they can be drafted, and they can serve in combat. However, they may be entitled to a peacetime deferment if there is a military death in the immediate family.
for a lot more info on that subject.

Notice the term "deferment". That would be a 12 month delay, and then that son would need to reapply for the deferment to the Local Board, and if unsuccessful would have to appeal to the Appeal Board. If unsuccessful, that son could try an appeal to one of the 3 Regional Boards nationwide, but the default isn't that he doesn't have to ship to because he is waiting on an appeal, but rather that you have a report date and better show up UNLESS you have a deferment/exemption letter in hand.

For example, if I am on sea duty, is there a chance of entering a war? Will I be called into the battlefield in some cases?

Well, yeah, that's why we put those expensive nuclear power plants on those carriers and subs, to take them to scary places in Harm's Way so we can use our weapons. Anything should have gone Chair Force!  ;)

Offline NukeLDO

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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #4 on: Nov 30, 2011, 11:22 »
I took a look at the pay scale for O1 and it's at $2828 monthly. Am I missing something or is the paying in the navy suppose to be this low?

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Offline Gamma Glue

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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #5 on: Nov 30, 2011, 11:36 »
my parents want to know if being a naval officer is considered as a "soldier."

No, we call them Sailors.

For example, if I am on sea duty, is there a chance of entering a war? Will I be called into the battlefield in some cases?

The way Iran has been acting lately, I would say "Yes". But you would be on a carrier hundreds of miles away, launching aircraft to put "Warheads on Foreheads", as my old Chief used to say. Or on a sub, and they tend to stay below the water in the not so nice parts of the world, which makes them surprisingly difficult to shoot at. Either one is a safe bet. The most dangerous thing you will probably do is drive to work, especially if you get stationed in Norfolk.

Also, my recruiter told me that students who graduated from OCS starts as Ensign, which is equivalent to O1 grade. I took a look at the pay scale for O1 and it's at $2828 monthly. Am I missing something or is the paying in the navy suppose to be this low?

Pretty much every officer starts as an Ensign. But, as stated earlier, you do get BAH and other allowances, and most aren't taxable income, so you make a lot more then 35K a year. Plus you can't beat free health care, regardless of the quality.

Offline drewcwsj

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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 12, 2012, 02:27 »
When I got my butter bars in 1987 the base pay was 1260 a month. BAH, sub pay and sea pay added about $800 a month but I was stationed in pearl harbor and I was seriously broke all the time, rent 800, car payment 300. Thankfully I made jg shortly after getting to the boat, which helped some, and then LT 18 months later (back then there was an accelerated promotion path for nuke subs). LT was a big bump in pay and very welcome.


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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 13, 2012, 12:05 »
As an only son, I went to sea and SURVIVED !!  Our philosophy back then was when we deployed, we were at war.  The enemy (you know who you are) was always looking for us and we always found them.

So yes, you are a soldier, YES you could GO TO WAR if called to, and yes low grade pay sucks.  As an officer you will note a huge pay raise about your second year at sea (especially as a subbie) if you succeed on getting you Louie bars.

Good luck and thank you for your service.


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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #8 on: Jan 13, 2012, 02:57 »
Most people do not join for the pay.

You and you mom may be confusing the "only son" scenario with the Sullivan Brothers case from way back when five brothers were on a ship together and they all perished. This was a tremendous loss to the family as you may imagine.
You may read the military policy on this at the following link


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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #9 on: Sep 18, 2017, 02:16 »
To be considered a soilder you have to be in the Army.  You are considered a Sailor!

Offline Marlin

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Re: NUPOC - am I considered a soldier?
« Reply #10 on: Sep 18, 2017, 09:59 »
To be considered a soilder you have to be in the Army.  You are considered a Sailor!

These threads can be a little confusing to new posters as they live well beyond current conversations and posters drift in and out of this site. The original post was in 2011 and the last time he was active 2012.


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