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Author Topic: Help! Im doing my ePHQ for the first time for Commanche Peak-Skeleton in Closet!  (Read 11053 times)

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Im going to be doing my PHQ for the first time with hopes of getting a chance to work at Commanche Peak. I want to be honest and hope that I don't  have any issues. About a year ago I was fired from a job for having a drug test sample not in the proper temprature range, and then refusing to take an observed test from a gay male medical  observer. This was recorded in the DISA system. I was actually clean at the time.  It has been several  years sence I have smoked Marajuana. I have contacted that previous employer and the company says that I am eligible for rehire. What is the proper way to disclose this on my PHQ? The company will not say why I was fired, even  if I was fired.  On the employment history portion of the PHQ do I say I was fired? Do I explain why? If so will this disqualify me? Can the investigation find out that I had a low temp specimen, and refused an observed test? Do I just say I quit? Honesty is the best policy,  and I really pray I am given clearance. Its my understanding that this is all private info between me, and my previous employer, and the DISA clinic.  What shall I do?  Help!😨😮😅😢


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You best can that gay attitude if you want to work in the nuke industry. There is no room at all for that BS and you will rightfully get fired.

If you have been fired from a job you must put it down. They will find out.

Offline MMM

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Disclaimer: I have no experience in the hiring process or background checks (apart from being on the receiving end). To answer your questions, you were fired, so say you were fired. If you say you quit, and your previous employer is contacted and says you were fired, that won't go over well. There is a space to explain your answer about why you were fired. It might disqualify you, it might not, but lying will. As TVA said, get over your issues. The person observing you is a professional first. If the behave inappropriately, report them, but refusing to comply in this case is a big deal.


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Not just a big deal. A job ender. Grow up


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Never hide anything. The answer at that point is always no.

If what you say is true then say it in writing. Thats the best you can do


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Let go for FFD reasons.  That's a big hurdle to overcome.


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Offline stkeele

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To a potential employer your reason for subverting the drug test (i.e. medical examiner was gay ) would be a bigger red flag than the actual subversion of the test. Employers want an individual that can work along side anyone regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, etc... The next issue is the fact that the market is so flooded with people right now that if your resume came across the desk with 10 others with the same qualifications and experience they are going to choose the candidates that won't need special provisions like in your case. I am curious as to how you will respond to the question on the PHQ about prior drug use since you are on here telling the forum about your prior drug use? If you mark the answer as no they will find out that was a lie it will be a minimum 1 year ban from nuclear. This also goes for the prior employment questions. If you were fired then state you were fired and why because they will find out the truth and it's better coming from you first.
« Last Edit: Sep 21, 2017, 11:27 by stkeele »


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They will find out

Offline Ksheed

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I would recommend not applying for access right now. Based on everything you have stated to this point, there is a very high probability that you will be denied. You should spend 3-5 years working non-nuclear and stay out of trouble. That will go a long ways toward developing a proven history that you have learned from your mistakes. If you apply now and are denied the road to Unescorted Access will become even harder, if not impossible.


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If he has already been offered a job he doesnt really have any choice. Just be honest

Offline Ksheed

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You can withdraw your request for access. May just have to voluntarily quit/turn down the job offer. Being back in the job hunt may be better than a denial.
« Last Edit: Sep 25, 2017, 08:34 by ksheed12 »


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While I agree that wasnt the question he was asked. This will show up regardless


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In truth I think he is lying.


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