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Interview at ANO 1
« on: Feb 10, 2005, 10:07 »
OK, I'm a newbie to the site and I need some help getting back into the industry.  I'm an ex-Navy nuke EM and I'm going to ANO 1 next week for the POSS test and interviewing.  Are there any tips anyone can give me on the test and interview.  What do you wear to these things?  What can I expect for questioning?  We're also taking a General Knowledge nuke test.  Has anyone taken one of these, and if so, what can I look at to bring back my memory?  I've been reading around the site about the POSS test and I feel pretty confident about that, but if anyone could help with the other questions, I'd appreciate it!!!!
By the way, if anyone is at ANO 1, I'd like to know about the shift schedule.
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2005, 10:09 by wherugoing »

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #1 on: Feb 10, 2005, 10:14 »
You want to dress for the interview at least as well as you would dress for the job. Dockers (or equivalent) and a nice shirt are worn by the field operators at many plants, so that would be appropriate. Make sure you wear good leather shoes rather than tennis shoes. Grooming, of course, should be professional. It isn't the time to let your haircut slide or try to grow a handle-bar mustache.
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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #2 on: Feb 10, 2005, 05:36 »
You want to be able to concentrate on the tests, not what you are wearing.  So keep it business casual as Roll Tide had said and make sure that you are comfortable wearing it.  The last thing you need is to not pass the testing because you develop a complex about your dress.

Good luck on the exams.


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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #3 on: Feb 10, 2005, 06:14 »
Does anyone know if Arkansas Nuclear One hires without perspective employees traveling to Arkansas for further testing?  I did a phone interview with them and after 45 minutes on the phone, they said I MUST travel to Arkansas for further interviewing and testing.  Also, is the trip at my own expense?   They seem to be asking a lot for pay that isn't that great.  Any insight?


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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #4 on: Feb 10, 2005, 07:35 »
I did a phone interview with them and after 45 minutes on the phone, they said I MUST travel to Arkansas for further interviewing and testing.  Also, is the trip at my own expense?   

I don't know much, but they are flying me out from Texas, paying for my hotel stay, and a car to travel around in.  I'll be there from Sunday until Tuesday.
Hope that helps!

Good Luck!!!
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2005, 07:37 by wherugoing »


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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #5 on: Feb 10, 2005, 07:39 »
Thanks for the dress code info, I just wanted to make sure!!!

But, does anyone have any resources where I can study up on the General Knowledge nuke stuff?

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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #6 on: Feb 10, 2005, 09:14 »
Have you looked at the top of every page on this site at the Study tab? There is a wealth of information there.

Glad you weren't looking for a snake...
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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #7 on: Feb 10, 2005, 11:36 »
I found during my interview, not at ANO, that the questions were geared more to how I would fit into the operations organization.  Not so much as how the plant works.    Navy background and the fact that I passed the Operator Testing was enough nuke information I guess.  I guess if you want some more information, don't forget to look at the NRC website for Operator Licensing and the General Fundamental Exams.

As far as expenses, Every interview I have every been on, all expenses were paid by the companies.  In some cases, I paid for expenses then after the interview I submitted an expense report and they mailed a check out to me.  However I'm not familiar with this exact company.  It may be different than the norm that I have been through.
« Last Edit: Feb 11, 2005, 12:17 by Shayne »


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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #8 on: Feb 16, 2005, 03:08 »
Thanks for all your help, but now that the interview is over here's what I learned:

The interviews are more about how you will be as a manager down the road, not necessarily how you will operate right now - I guess they figure you got this far, you probably know what your doing, but can you handle leading others.

The general knowledge exam was geared more for NLO operations info.  They wanted to know more about how much you know about commercial plants.  It's geared to find out how much you know so they know how much to teach.

Overall it was a great experience and I hope this info helps for others going through the process!!!

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Interview at ANO 1
« Reply #9 on: Feb 17, 2005, 09:12 »
Thanks for all your help, but now that the interview is over here's what I learned:

The interviews are more about how you will be as a manager down the road, not necessarily how you will operate right now - I guess they figure you got this far, you probably know what your doing, but can you handle leading others.

The general knowledge exam was geared more for NLO operations info.  They wanted to know more about how much you know about commercial plants.  It's geared to find out how much you know so they know how much to teach.

Overall it was a great experience and I hope this info helps for others going through the process!!!

Maybe I should have said this earlier. The interviews are kind of like the "Peter Principle"; they dig until they get beyond your comfort level to see how you react beyond it. (At least that is what the orientation I got on it said.)
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