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Author Topic: Passed the EEI Test for TVA. How long until interviews start?  (Read 38880 times)

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Offline bradbathome

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I applied for SGPO position with TVA about 2 months back. I was asked to take the EEI test and did on 9/20. I got my results in and was Recommended/Passed. I have a couple of questions.

How long is it usually until TVA contacts you for interviews ?
Will TVA contact you if your not selected for an interview?

Thanks in advance for your help. 


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You might never get an interview.

If they are interviewing for 10 positions they will interview 40 people max. Most likely 250 to 300 passed. It depends on how they rate you on your resume. They set up a point scale. 15% or more have to be minorities. If you live within 60 miles of the plant you get points. If you are a veteran you get points.
Dont ask me what else the hiring team is rating you on as I dont know nor do I care.

If you dont get an interview they will not tell you. If you do interview and dont get the job they will not tell you.

Offline bradbathome

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Thanks for your help.
Typically how long is it before the interviews start?  If I am selected.


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Can be anywhere from 3 to 7 months. Where did you bid?

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By bid I think you mean where is the job.
If that's right. Its the sgpo jobs at Soddy Daisy and Spring City.
I seen where you said the 60 mile rule gets you extra points. I don't but I am more than willing to relocate and it asked that on the application and I said I would relocate. Would that help me?
Thanks again for your help
« Last Edit: Oct 11, 2017, 08:44 by bradbathome »


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No you have to live within 60 miles of the site at the day the individual does the grading. Odds are yours has already been either tossed out or graded. Here is what I always said. Send me all veterans and anyone who now lives within 60 miles AND dont more than 60. The hiring manager doesnt have time for more.

Offline bradbathome

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Dang. I was really hoping to get a chance for the job.
I do have a Bachelors degree and worked 8yrs as an electronic technician with an army contract, but I'm not a veteran.  Would this help me at all?
« Last Edit: Oct 11, 2017, 10:14 by bradbathome »


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Dime a dozen so no. Nothing trumps 60 Miles or a Vet.
Those are just guaranteed points not an end all
Depends on the hiring manager but I can guarantee if he has qualified candidates with 60 miles he wont interview outside unless you work at a TVA plant.
I interviewed nearly 150 people for TVA and outside of SRO I never broke the 60 mile barrier as I had no need to do so.

Offline bradbathome

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Not to knock your way of thinking about hiring locally, but I just think someone that is willing to relocate on their on dime would be more loyal and long term employee, I guess I'm saying I would have more skin in the game so to speak. I obviously have no idea on the hiring process so please don't take offense, I have relocated 3 different times for the last company I worked for and once out of country so just saying when I relocate I'm in for the long haul. My last job was a army contract which ended so being loyal and moving didn't help much I guess. Ha Ha. Thanks for your time. If you have any suggestions I could do to at least get a chance with TVA I'm all ears.


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It isnt my rule its their rule and sorry percentagewise no one is more likely to stay than someone who grew up near a plant.

Exactly what is your hiring experience?


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Are you seriously that stupid?

Offline bradbathome

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Sorry if I upset you. I have no hiring experience that is the reason I was asking. I'm not saying your way or TVAs way is wrong. I was just saying when you up and move your family for a job it is something you really want and believe is long term employment at least I think it should. I did grow up around TVA born and raised in North AL. I just don't live with in 60 miles of Soddy Daisy more like 100 miles so technically I could commute but I would relocate. Why would they contact you for the test if you had no chance of getting the job if you passed the test?
It was not my intent to make you mad. I apologize if I did. Thanks


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Anyone who applies gets offered the chance to take the test.

Offline Nuclear NASCAR

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Are you seriously that stupid?

It's been awhile since I've had to remind about this rule, which you agreed to each time you've signed up for this site.  I don't expect to have to remind you again & I Thank You in advance for that. 

Forum Rule #4. Please learn to be respectful, tolerate and support each other.'s goal is to help others, not see how many people we can annoy. Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site less professional.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask via PM!

Thanks again!
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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I agree but dang man.

This guy thinks that any utility with a 60 mile pool cannot find 200 people within that range who are as loyal as him. I have yet to hire someone within 60 miles who left.

Utilities exist because of their customers. TVA's mission is to improve the quality of life within the valley. It's one of the first things they tell you and yes they live it. I have worked at 2 utilities that use that rule, one that didnt. Of those everyone who hired in at the 60 mile plants is there. At the other half the people were gone within 10 years.

There are literally hundreds of qualified local candidates. They are a gold mine. Why go elsewhere?

Offline SloGlo

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knot too throw gasoline awn a smoldering ember, butt how wood sum won fresh out of the navy find a job with 60 mile rule? oar travelers dune the outage circuit, how wood they bee hired at a plant ware the utility likes they're performance and they like the utility's program and structure? why due utilities and d.o.e. sites advertise hear and udder places if they aren't interested in giving people to hiring managers whom may bee outside the 60 mile rule?

nuclear nascar... feel free to split this from this thread iffen yins think that best.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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60 miles is a guideline. If you have 2 qualified candidates you must pick the one within 60 miles.
Some positions it is clearly waived ie SRO Instant. The qualifications are very specific for it.
The real point is TVA will get nearly 200 qualified applicants within 60 miles of the plant. No hiring manager in his right mind will go outside 60 miles.
I work at another utility that has a similar rule. Just interviewed for 10 positions. Got 16 viable candidates all within 60 miles.

Offline MMM

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I believe the term "or a Vet" was used somewhere in there as well.


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Yes a vet and 60 miles gets the same amount of points

Offline Nuclear NASCAR

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I agree but dang man.

This guy thinks that any utility with a 60 mile pool cannot find 200 people within that range who are as loyal as him. I have yet to hire someone within 60 miles who left.

I don't recall seeing that said at all.  I saw a person trying to make their case for why they should have an equal chance as someone local, up to and including relocating.  When it all boils down we can still be respectful even in disagreement. 

Utilities exist because of their customers. TVA's mission is to improve the quality of life within the valley. It's one of the first things they tell you and yes they live it. I have worked at 2 utilities that use that rule, one that didnt. Of those everyone who hired in at the 60 mile plants is there. At the other half the people were gone within 10 years.

There are literally hundreds of qualified local candidates. They are a gold mine. Why go elsewhere?

This, right here, makes your point best of all posts in this thread. 

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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BTW I do hope he gets the job. My answering his posts in no way is an indication about my opinion as to my opinion as to whether he should be hired or not. I don't know his qualifications but I pull for everyone who I have ever interviewed,

Offline bradbathome

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BTW I do hope he gets the job. My answering his posts in no way is an indication about my opinion as to my opinion as to whether he should be hired or not. I don't know his qualifications but I pull for everyone who I have ever interviewed,


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By the way they use STAR Interview questions. Behavioral based.

Offline SloGlo

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due knot fret over distance two tva. apply too amazon today n relocate inn da burgh after it gets announced their coming here. make $100k/year ware yins got 3 pro teams, museums, symphonies, and a lot of green space every ware.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline Ksheed

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due knot fret over distance two tva. apply too amazon today n relocate inn da burgh

Can't translate....


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And in 5 years be out on the street

Offline MMM

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due knot fret over distance two tva. apply too amazon today n relocate inn da burgh after it gets announced their coming here. make $100k/year ware yins got 3 pro teams, museums, symphonies, and a lot of green space every ware.
Basically, apply to Amazon then relocate to Pittsburgh when they announce their new headquarters there. $100k/year and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.


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Amazon tends to get rid of people after 3 to 5 years. I know that as in May I interviewed 3 Amazon managers for an NLO position

Offline SloGlo

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Can't translate....
watt? still wit da rookies!
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Amazon tends to get rid of people after 3 to 5 years. I know that as in May I interviewed 3 Amazon managers for an NLO position
sound like bout par four the coarse fore managers hoove completed there project. knot sew much like knuckle draggers and front line supervisor oar four men.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Basically, apply to Amazon then relocate to Pittsburgh when they announce their new headquarters there. $100k/year and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.
fine ally, an intelligent bean wit know blank n gold in there vanes. herd about them bee fore, butt hadn't scene any.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Here is what they told me. If you are there three years and havent moved to another position your Amazon life expectency isnt long

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........and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.

and then the fight started,...

 :P :P :P :P :P

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline SloGlo

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Here is what they told me. If you are there three years and havent moved to another position your Amazon life expectency isnt long
witch isn't much different from competitive engineering firms, ware iffen yore knot awn a project, dew knot have won in development, oar are known fore getting projects/have clients inn yer pocket... the exit door is open n theirs a positive pressure present behind yew.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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and then the fight started,...

 :P :P :P :P :P
jalousies, nuttin moor than bean fowl of jalousies.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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hello guys whenever i post it says awaiting approval and no one approves it. So i am putting my question over here, I'm sorry if i'm hacking your topic, i don't want to do that.
My question is i applied for Aux operator for Dresden and Operator License trainee for grand gulf, thinking both of these positions are the same. I passed everything from POSS to BMST. I got the job offer for grand gulf but they are paying wayy less than dresden before training and after training. Start date for dresden is jan 18. I want dresden job because it's closer to a urban city in chicago. I'm willing to go to grand gulf but their pay is not enough and the tax rate of Mississippi is more than Illinois. I'm a Nuke engineer from texas a&m. You guys are more experienced than me can you please give me your input. Thank you.


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We have never interviewed for a licensed class.
And so far as I know the tax rate in MS is a hell of a lot less than in Illinois


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For every 50k you make at GG you have to make 56k at Dresden


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To be specific Dresden says that for Aux operator rate is 32.15 per hour which increases to 51.25 per hour after training. And grand gulf says for Initial License Trainee rate is 25.48 per hour which increase to about 39 per hour after training.
I was looking at tax rates and tax rate of Mississippi is more than Illinois ? This will be my first job so i'm not sure how it works. But isn't dresden pays better but i don't know how much difference does it make. Any suggestions would help.

Thank you.

Offline ddickey

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Maybe they didn't add an "N" rate and license premium to the wage?

Offline MMM

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That pay in MS seems pretty low. I know most of the plants in the north east start ILT at around $100k (about $50 an hour, salary), with bonuses during training and a raise at the end.


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I don't know what's the N rate, and that's what i'm thinking why so low pay rate.
I have attached the job description here pdf file here:
What should i ask them when i get a chance?


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Sigh it isnt a licensed position


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How is it different from an Aux operator position?

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when inn doubt, follow the money 😉
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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They are asking me to come for medical and PHQ, it wouldn't be nice to get access but not accept the job offer now will it be? Exelon job starts in January but they haven't said anything uptil now. Interview went great, i'll email HR and ask them to give information if i'm selected or not.


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Training is a year shorter. Did I interview you?


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Yup they did. If i take Operator Plant Trainee, i will have to work there for 2 year atleast. since they said training takes 20 months. But doesn't make sense, since Aux Operator also does the same training i'm assuming and is paid more.


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You do 11 weeks of fundamentals. Then go on shift. After finishing a Limited Card you get a 7 dollar an hour raise

Dresden makes more because the area is expensive as f**k
« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2017, 10:46 by Nuclear NASCAR »

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Dude, there is a HUGE difference between Operator Plant Trainee and Initial License Trainee (ILT). The first is non-licensed, or NLO (as TVA said). You'll be brought in, probably at the lowest payrate and (usually) get raises for each qualification you complete until you top out. Depending on how they have it set up, it could be 2-3 years. The plant I'm at is about 39 months for an NLO starting at step 1 (Intro to plant systems/fundamentals), if you're brought in at a higher level, the starting pay is higher, but you have less time for the earlier levels, so instead of 3-6 months for each step, you might have 2-4 weeks, until you're up to your pay grade, then it goes back to 3-6 months. These guys are the eyes and ears of the plant, and most plants want them to go on to ILT to earn an RO license once they're done with NLO quals (that will add usually $5-10/hr raise, plus license bonus). If you were in the navy, basically all the MM and EM watches combined.
ILT is about 2 years of classroom/simulator training with some plant time for familiarity before they earn their license. These guys run the plant from the control room, make decisions about what goes on during the shift and direct the NLOs. ROs control the reactor and associated equipment, SROs direct things. Again, if you were navy, RO for RO license, and EWS/PPWS/PPWO/EOOW for SRO license.


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I'm a nuclear engineer, what do you think i should do, should i start with the  Operator plant trainee or wait for a job with exelon with ILT? i'm familiar with most of the fundamentals and i have also given the FE exam .


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You don't know a thing about the fundamentals so don't pretend you do.
I really dont care what you do.
Who interviewed you? When was your interview?


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for someone who doesn't care why are you so curious?
I'm just smart what can i say. I have gone through the test questions on nukeworker regarding the fundamentals test. Apart from that i have designed reactor cores using SAR's. and worked for PNNL doing your TPBARs that you use in TVA watts bar. I'm assuming you should know something about that considering your name is TVA.


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Dont care. Just another nub to me. On my dumbest day I am smarter than you on your smartest. Plus I conduct all Ops interviews at GG and I dont remember you. I think you are lying.

Offline RFaunt

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Well, this is an entertaining read for night shift.

Enjoying Show
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Isaac Newton


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Lmao! Nubs kill me!


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no wonder you got negative karma. smart guy

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Based on the little you've said here and other threads, you probably don't meet the requirements for direct SRO, so go with NLO.


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I am not here for karma. I am honest as heck. I think you are lying and I know you didnt interview at GG as I would have interviewed you.


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The jobs he is discussing are NLO jobs.

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Yeah, somehow he got the Exelon position confused in his posts and began thinking it was a license position. I forgot that was on this topic, since it was a previous page. Regardless, he still doesn't meet the requirements for ILT.


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Plus I dont think he interviewed at GG...

Offline RFaunt

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It would appear that he deleted his account. I guess we'll never know.
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Isaac Newton


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Because he got caught lying.

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Because he got caught lying.

Or got tired of putting up with curmudgeons quickly.   ::)
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Incorrect. Had he been offered a job at GG I would have known as I help decide who gets an offer. AND everyone we interview gets a lowdown of the training program and are informed its not a License Training Program.

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I took the test on Sept 26th and just recently got my recommended/passed results.
I too am curious as too when and if I will receive a request to interview.

Good luck!


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How local are you?


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Btw I checked when I got back to work.
We havent made any offers to the people that we have interviewed and we did not interview anyone with that background.
He lied.

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Btw I checked when I got back to work.
We havent made any offers to the people that we have interviewed and we did not interview anyone with that background.
He lied.

It could be that the whole point was to get someone spun up.... which worked if that was the intent. We have a separate thread about that sort of thing.

Personally, I quit paying much attention to this thread when the self-proclaimed "nuclear engineer" couldn't even capitalize the beginning of sentences and proper nouns. [2cents]
« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2017, 07:20 by ksheed12 »


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Lol I was going to mention that!

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...Personally, I quit paying much attention to this thread when the self-proclaimed "nuclear engineer" couldn't even capitalize the beginning of sentences and proper nouns. [2cents]
re: nuclear engineer;
may bee he red jimmi carter's book "short cuts to well paying short term positions".
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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I received an invitation to interview November 8th. Hope this answers the "when" question!


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Let me guess? A woman?

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A qualified, educated, and experienced woman.....yes.


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Being a woman gets you an interview there. They didnt even put you on the matrix.

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A qualified, educated, and experienced woman.....yes.
My turn to be a jerk. My last plant had two "qualified, educated, and experienced" women in class. I'm not sure the specifics about them, but one had been to class with a few other companies, which constituted her experience, I'm not sure about the other. Both were rolled out to another class. On the other hand, there were a couple female SROs and ROs that had successfully licensed, probably with less "experience" than the two that didn't make it.


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Exactly. If she can breathe without being reminded to do so TVA will hire her. Out of 4 female operators that I "gladly" hired only one was worth a darn. I would have hired her anyway. The other 3 HR kept finding reasons to force me to hire them. Those 3 sucked. 2 quit and one made it through. After a long long battle I fired her. On the other hand I worked with 2 ROs and 2 SROs there who were fantastic.

Being female = AUTOMATIC interview

edited for language -ksheed
« Last Edit: Oct 30, 2017, 08:40 by ksheed12 »

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And I've worked with a number of qualified, educated, and experienced MEN who did not make it through class. I've also worked with a few that made it through, but shouldn't have. I'm not trying to be defensive or argumentative, but I assure you that my gender has never affected my ability to operate.

The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

I was just offering an answer to a question posed by two people in this thread.

TVA, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to breathe.


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I used to interview for TVA.
I am merely saying you getting an interview is meaningless as any woman who passes the POSS test gets one and odds are if you can breathe they will offer you a job. Its what TVA does

So far as men failing out of college level classes its sad. College is a lot easier than any nuclear course.

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The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

 +K  yes


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The fact is I am giving her the straight truth from someone who interviewed at TVA and navigated through their HR System. She has nothing to worry about.

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I'm sure you can imagine the frustration, that should I be hired, others will now assume it was only because I am a female.  Your comments, even if accurate, do nothing but perpetuate sexist notions.

I've been an operator for a long time, so my skin is pretty thick. I've proven myself, as a GOOD OPERATOR, not as a FEMALE OPERATOR. I've also been registered to this site long enough to know that simply by posting , I was opening myself up to this conversation.

Please don't think I don't appreciate your experience or input based upon that experienced. I sincerely do!
« Last Edit: Oct 28, 2017, 02:37 by Missjbugg »

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And I've worked with a number of qualified, educated, and experienced MEN who did not make it through class. I've also worked with a few that made it through, but shouldn't have. I'm not trying to be defensive or argumentative, but I assure you that my gender has never affected my ability to operate.

The fact that this is even a conversation is very sad.

I was just offering an answer to a question posed by two people in this thread.

TVA, thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to breathe.
I agree, plenty of men get dropped as well. It's not an easy program. However, most companies wouldn't make an offer to those men after being dropped from multiple license classes. While I like to think that companies hire the best candidates, I unfortunately know people who were involved in the hiring process, and they have explained that minorities and women get extra points so the company can increase diversity. It sucks for all involved.

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I'm not ignorant to how the system works. It really does suck for everyone, though. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't worked with women who never should have been hired! It just gets tiresome having to prove that I'm not one of them.

Offline bradbathome

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I received an invitation to interview November 8th. Hope this answers the "when" question!
Thanks for the info. Good luck

Offline MMM

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You can get into engineering or start as an NLO. There are some time requirements before you can go SRO, I believe 3 years responsible nuclear experience, which you can get in engineering would meet that.


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