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Author Topic: Passed the EEI Test for TVA. How long until interviews start?  (Read 39173 times)

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And in 5 years be out on the street

Offline MMM

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due knot fret over distance two tva. apply too amazon today n relocate inn da burgh after it gets announced their coming here. make $100k/year ware yins got 3 pro teams, museums, symphonies, and a lot of green space every ware.
Basically, apply to Amazon then relocate to Pittsburgh when they announce their new headquarters there. $100k/year and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.


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Amazon tends to get rid of people after 3 to 5 years. I know that as in May I interviewed 3 Amazon managers for an NLO position

Offline SloGlo

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Can't translate....
watt? still wit da rookies!
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Amazon tends to get rid of people after 3 to 5 years. I know that as in May I interviewed 3 Amazon managers for an NLO position
sound like bout par four the coarse fore managers hoove completed there project. knot sew much like knuckle draggers and front line supervisor oar four men.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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Basically, apply to Amazon then relocate to Pittsburgh when they announce their new headquarters there. $100k/year and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.
fine ally, an intelligent bean wit know blank n gold in there vanes. herd about them bee fore, butt hadn't scene any.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Here is what they told me. If you are there three years and havent moved to another position your Amazon life expectency isnt long

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
........and 3 crappy pro teams, and some junk.

and then the fight started,...

 :P :P :P :P :P

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline SloGlo

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Here is what they told me. If you are there three years and havent moved to another position your Amazon life expectency isnt long
witch isn't much different from competitive engineering firms, ware iffen yore knot awn a project, dew knot have won in development, oar are known fore getting projects/have clients inn yer pocket... the exit door is open n theirs a positive pressure present behind yew.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline SloGlo

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and then the fight started,...

 :P :P :P :P :P
jalousies, nuttin moor than bean fowl of jalousies.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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hello guys whenever i post it says awaiting approval and no one approves it. So i am putting my question over here, I'm sorry if i'm hacking your topic, i don't want to do that.
My question is i applied for Aux operator for Dresden and Operator License trainee for grand gulf, thinking both of these positions are the same. I passed everything from POSS to BMST. I got the job offer for grand gulf but they are paying wayy less than dresden before training and after training. Start date for dresden is jan 18. I want dresden job because it's closer to a urban city in chicago. I'm willing to go to grand gulf but their pay is not enough and the tax rate of Mississippi is more than Illinois. I'm a Nuke engineer from texas a&m. You guys are more experienced than me can you please give me your input. Thank you.


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We have never interviewed for a licensed class.
And so far as I know the tax rate in MS is a hell of a lot less than in Illinois


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For every 50k you make at GG you have to make 56k at Dresden


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To be specific Dresden says that for Aux operator rate is 32.15 per hour which increases to 51.25 per hour after training. And grand gulf says for Initial License Trainee rate is 25.48 per hour which increase to about 39 per hour after training.
I was looking at tax rates and tax rate of Mississippi is more than Illinois ? This will be my first job so i'm not sure how it works. But isn't dresden pays better but i don't know how much difference does it make. Any suggestions would help.

Thank you.

Offline ddickey

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Maybe they didn't add an "N" rate and license premium to the wage?

Offline MMM

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That pay in MS seems pretty low. I know most of the plants in the north east start ILT at around $100k (about $50 an hour, salary), with bonuses during training and a raise at the end.


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I don't know what's the N rate, and that's what i'm thinking why so low pay rate.
I have attached the job description here pdf file here:
What should i ask them when i get a chance?


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Sigh it isnt a licensed position


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How is it different from an Aux operator position?

Offline SloGlo

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when inn doubt, follow the money 😉
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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They are asking me to come for medical and PHQ, it wouldn't be nice to get access but not accept the job offer now will it be? Exelon job starts in January but they haven't said anything uptil now. Interview went great, i'll email HR and ask them to give information if i'm selected or not.


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Training is a year shorter. Did I interview you?


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Yup they did. If i take Operator Plant Trainee, i will have to work there for 2 year atleast. since they said training takes 20 months. But doesn't make sense, since Aux Operator also does the same training i'm assuming and is paid more.


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You do 11 weeks of fundamentals. Then go on shift. After finishing a Limited Card you get a 7 dollar an hour raise

Dresden makes more because the area is expensive as f**k
« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2017, 10:46 by Nuclear NASCAR »

Offline MMM

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Dude, there is a HUGE difference between Operator Plant Trainee and Initial License Trainee (ILT). The first is non-licensed, or NLO (as TVA said). You'll be brought in, probably at the lowest payrate and (usually) get raises for each qualification you complete until you top out. Depending on how they have it set up, it could be 2-3 years. The plant I'm at is about 39 months for an NLO starting at step 1 (Intro to plant systems/fundamentals), if you're brought in at a higher level, the starting pay is higher, but you have less time for the earlier levels, so instead of 3-6 months for each step, you might have 2-4 weeks, until you're up to your pay grade, then it goes back to 3-6 months. These guys are the eyes and ears of the plant, and most plants want them to go on to ILT to earn an RO license once they're done with NLO quals (that will add usually $5-10/hr raise, plus license bonus). If you were in the navy, basically all the MM and EM watches combined.
ILT is about 2 years of classroom/simulator training with some plant time for familiarity before they earn their license. These guys run the plant from the control room, make decisions about what goes on during the shift and direct the NLOs. ROs control the reactor and associated equipment, SROs direct things. Again, if you were navy, RO for RO license, and EWS/PPWS/PPWO/EOOW for SRO license.


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