You should probably be sure you get paid enough to cover the cost of a good accountant for the items delineated in the above post,...
rules of thumb,...
for every 1000 hours you work your CPA will need 10 hours,...
for every change of job location your CPA will need 2 hours (consider it a change order fee),...
for every quarterly filing your CPA will need 4 hours,....
the above rules of thumb assume you pay state income tax to at least one state and you expense all allowable deductions and you carry self-insured health, life and disability,....
if you do not not follow the above assumptions you should not 1099,...
you can get "per diem" as a 1099, you should let your CPA advise you on how to pay taxes on that stipend and how to deduct expenses against it,....
if you typically work for 40 bucks an hour, you should 1099 for no less than 80 bucks an hour, NOT including compensation needed for living expenses,....