A little background:
I am a 22 year old African American female and did very well in hs math with above a 90 in all 4 years, but here is the problem. I have fail every math class after my first semester of college due to many different circumstances including death. I know the military has a zero tolerance for excuses and I am willing to take full responsibility for my actions. The reason why I opened up another thread is because I want more updated info instead of the info from 3 years ago. I have no previous arrest nor does anyone in my family. We are all US citizens and I have no relation to anyone outside of the US. THIS IS THE ONLY THING I AM EXTREMELY WORRIED ABOUT!!!! So here are my questions: 1. What are my chances of getting in with 4 D's in college? The classes were matrix, calc 3, numerical methods/analysis, and discrete math 2. Do they have a limited number of females they can accept into the nuke program? From the threads I have read it looks like we have a longer waiting time and they don't like to accept that many. 3. If I did by some miracle get in what is the average waiting time in DEP? 4. I know my recruiter is there to help me for the most part but do you think I should ask specific questions about my waivers to someone already in the nuke program? 5. How competitive is it to get in right at this moment? Are many people being qualified with no waivers needed? 6. What are the best possible arguments I can make in my waiver statement? Is there anything they like to see when they are making a decision to approve an academic degenerate? P.S. I just get the feeling I can't get the answers I am looking for from my recruiter.