Career Path > Navy:Getting Out

Getting out from depression.

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still thinking about gitting out? yew probly  bee putting up wit these folks..

I appreciate everyone who has offered sound advice, and wanted to help. I am disappointed that where ever you go there are people that just want to push others down even further than they are. I used to feel like depression was a choice and you can just get rid of it by not thinking about the negatives, which is what I was doing and it helped but eventually the cup was too full to ignore and I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I feel as if I'm in the wrong trying to ask for help, like its not the type of person I want to be. I feel guilty being put in a position where I just sit around and do nothing while the navy fills out all the forms and makes me go to psychiatrists. But now that I've gotten help and I am away from anything stressful I t feel loads better, I fear that if I go back and work there Ill find myself in the same spot within a few weeks.
Again I appreciate everyone's help, and I wish people that don't agree with things like this could just ignore the post instead of trying to worsen the situation.

johnnyp92, good two here.kick it fore a while wit the shrinks n sea ware it goes. could bee stress will drop oar scenery will change. long as its four you're own good, its awl good.

I think you could find a job out here somewhere if you can find a way to cope.  You did 6 and you are not required to discuss health problems at interviews.  You may have to answer tricky questions that could expose your issues.  MMPI anyone?  That is between you, your conscience and your wallet.


--- Quote from: hamsamich on Nov 06, 2017, 06:07 ---Well I have no idea how 2017 diagnosis of depression is done.  I'm sure there is a way to fake it.  When someone comes on this forum and tells me they are clinically depressed, I don't automatically assume they are lying.  Depression is one area that if you are wrong, consequences could be drastic in any format.  This isn't a place where medical benefits are determined so why not help.  Someone came for help and seemed legitimate to me.  So I tried to give them the best piece of advice I could without attacking them as con artists.

--- End quote ---

the OP's lead post was answered in the first two replies,...

any posts after those two first replies were reiterations, refutations, opinion or dear abby maxims,...

and they are all valid,...

this thread's done,...


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