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Author Topic: Thomas Edison Nuclear Energy Engineering Technology while Enlisted?  (Read 5997 times)

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Offline -ghst

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I am currently in Power School and currently looking into the accredited degree at Thomas Edison. Did anyone on this forum get the Nuclear Energy degree while in? I'm aware that there is another non 'Energy' degree but it doesn't seem to be accredited. Just wanted to post this up to see how other Nukes went about this process.

Offline MMM

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The accredited version has only been around about 6-7 years, so there probably aren't too many that have gotten it yet. It's pretty simple to get either one. First, graduate prototype, as there are a decent number of credits awarded for it. Second, report to your first ship (I shouldn't have to say this, but I had a student that failed to report to his first ship after graduation), if you're selected for JSI, you can postpone this step. Third, qualify senior in rate, as you won't have much time for college while qualifying, although you might be able to complete some CLEP tests for credit. From there, apply to college and talk to the navy college office, as there might be some paperwork to fill out.

Offline -ghst

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Thank you for the reply. I didn't know Prototype also contribute to the transferable credits. Their website only mentions Power School for transferable credits. So I'll have to apply for Thomas Edison when I am on my first carrier?


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Its a joke

Offline -ghst

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Its a joke

What do you mean? Is the time and effort for this not worth it?

Offline MMM

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It depends on what you want to do with it. If you want a degree for a check in the box for an officer program, civilian job that requires any degree, or a master's program, then it's perfectly acceptable. If you're looking to get into a field that uses the degree, then you're better off investing the time for the degree in the field you want to be in.

Offline hamsamich

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It would be better to get a degree in nuclear engineering...but it is an accepted accredited degree.  A friend of mine has it and he is a director of finance at a nuclear company.  He did eventually parlay that degree into an MBA in one year.  But he could not of gotten that MBA without having that degree already in his back pocket.

Offline -ghst

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It would be better to get a degree in nuclear engineering...but it is an accepted accredited degree.  A friend of mine has it and he is a director of finance at a nuclear company.  He did eventually parlay that degree into an MBA in one year.  But he could not of gotten that MBA without having that degree already in his back pocket.

That actually seems like the best path to go about it: get the bachelors at Thomas Edison and then get a Masters using GI Bill. I think an MBA and other master degree programs are a year or two long which wouldn't be too bad.

Offline MMM

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If you're still have time left after your Bachelor's degree, you can use TA for a Master's.


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