Career Path > Navy:Staying In
Hello, I’m a new surface nuke. I recently reported to my ship. Immediately upon entry to my ship a deep dread set in. My knees felt weak, confusion, dizziness and a general sense of suffocation or trapped feeling overwhelmed me. This may sound weird or weak but it’s terrifying. I completely understand it’s irrational and not real but I can’t turn off the fear.
I know how it sounds coming from a carrier since it’s so large but it’s really just a lot of tiny spaces. Since my ship isn’t out to sea and I recently reported. I have been able to reduce my exposure, I haven’t slept on the ship and I don’t think I can right now.(I’ve been sleeping off ship) This feeling of crawling out of my skin and walls closing in has affected my sleep and thinking about it causes stress. I didn’t have any idea that this would affect me(I didn’t know I was claustrophobic). I want to serve and I think I need to talk to my command. I was hoping that as current or veteran sailors if anyone had experienced this and how they overcame it.
Thank you for your time.
Edited due to weird format problems from iPhone.
Go to medical.
yeah you need to go to medical,...
IIRC prototype has a lot of small spaces,...
your discovery that you are afraid of small spaces will appear a bit too coincidental to folks who also know you have already spent a significant amount of time in small spaces,...
difference being, those small spaces do not deploy,...
you're not looking at a whole lot of empathy from those folks,...
IF you had foregone prototype training (and a nuclear NEC) THEN there would be more empathy,...
If this is real it may not be claustrophobia...could be cleithrophobia, a cousin. It is strange this JUST happened though. Phobias are one of the most treatable psych disorders though, so there is hope.
I understand the suspicion and appreciate the responses. I went to New York, which may have alleviated some of the symptoms. I think it was arrogance that allowed me to ignore the symptoms I did have, as most people are stressed in prototype. I just assumed it was the same feelings other people had but its clear I was wrong. I just want to fix it and I assumed I wasn’t the only one who’s dealt with this as to why I’m asking on this forum. I read about cleithrophobia, that sounds more similar to what I’m experiencing. I will go to medical and hopeful get a medical plan to overcome this and continue to serve in the capacity I’ve been trained in. Thank you.
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