It doesn't just matter how smart you are, but how you think and act.You have to think, act, and live Navy if you want to be a commissioned officer. Obviously, the best route is the academy. You would get a solid education and be indoctrinated in the Navy way (i.e. drink their koolaid). The next best would be enrolled in a university/college with an ROTC program. You would still get some Navy indoctrination, but you would also be contaminated be non Navy influences. Your career would be limited because you were not an academy boy. The chance of getting selected officer on the path you are persuing is very slim. You did not choose college out of high school and you are not stellar in academics. If you demonstrate a positive solid Navy attitude, do well in your Navy training, you might find an officer to advocate for you. I finished top 5% of class in A school, Nuc School, and prototype. I applied to NESEP and was told that I didn't have the proper attitude and demeanor. I was not officer material. My life experiences had contaminated my thinking so that I could no longer be blindly obedient. That was the 1970s, things may have changed. Apparently these days they give officers a ship command and they don't know maritime protocol. There recently are 2 that have court martials because their ships caused accidents and sailors were killed. Good luck, stay positive, and learn all you can.