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Offline Ajkeyo

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Nuke Program Security Clearance
« on: Mar 05, 2018, 12:42 »
I've been in the DEP program for almost a year, depped in 4/23/17, and at the time of my acceptance into the nuclear program was told a security clearance would take about 3 months on average and 6 at the most. I've been at my recruiting station longer than all the of the recruiters currently there. I have no idea why my clearance would take so long. Both my parents are US citizens, father born in Austria on US military base, and I have never left the country. Is there any particular reason my clearance is taking so long? Are security clearances for everyone on hold or taking a long time or is my case unique? My recruiters haven't been able to tell me much and I, had I known it would take this long, probably would've just enlisted as some other rate. I'm debating on switching rates just to get in but feel as though I've already waited so long that it should be any day now. Any insight onto my situation would be greatly appreciated.

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Re: Nuke Program Security Clearance
« Reply #1 on: Mar 07, 2018, 05:17 »
Sometimes clearances can get held up for silly reasons.  I had a buddy who had his security clearance held up for 9 months because the guy working his case retired and his filed was stashed away in a drawer nobody could find.  The only thing you can do is talk to your recruiter and try to have him contact whoever is in charge of it and find out it's status.  This is one of the cases where being really annoying might help you get what you want because this should have been resolved by now.


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