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Offline NavyMom72

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Family moving while in boot?
« on: Jan 28, 2018, 09:08 »
Hey guys, I've read through a lot of posts and also searched elsewhere and couldn't find this so I was hoping someone would know!

I was wondering if the Navy would pay for our move to Charleston WHILE I am still in RTC.
I ship out end of June so I will be done with RTC around the beginning of September. My son's school starts before I will be done with boot so we want them to go ahead and move there so he doesn't have to start school for a few weeks here and then have to switch.
Is it possible for them to move us before I arrive at A-school? Or if my husband does the move himself and we keep the recipes for weight and everything will they reimburse us?
We own a second home there already so I don't want them to have to live in an empty house for a few weeks.
If anyone has any information please let me know!


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Re: Family moving while in boot?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 29, 2018, 11:25 »
Its funny. I saw the post title and thought back to when I was in boot. I was about three weeks in and I get a letter from my Mom that they had decided to sell the house and go on the road. Good thing I used by grandparents as my home of record!

Anyway, to you question - I don't know the answer. I would suggest that you reach out to ombudsman at NPTU. I think they have a Facebook page where you could get contact info.


Offline NavyMom72

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Re: Family moving while in boot?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 29, 2018, 02:59 »
Thank you for the reply, Druid. I will get in contact with them since my recruiters just keep saying yes to everything I ask without actually finding the information.

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