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Author Topic: How much transfer leave should I take before getting to the ship?  (Read 5730 times)

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Offline PSherman42WallabyWay

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Hi, I just graduated from ELT quals. My detachment date is supposed to be March 2nd, 2018 (hopefully, if nothing goes wrong at medical or admin), and my NLT date on my orders say 28 March.

I've been told from numerous sources both here on this forum and elsewhere that you should minimize the leave you take between prototype and your ship, despite being allotted 30 maximum days. Then, I've also met instructors here who recommend taking as much as possible (without missing some kind of movement from your ship, ie: a deployment or underway), because for a fast-attack, using your leave days is a rare occurrence.

What should I do? As far as my own input, I feel like I need a break, and I want to take at least 14 days (hopefully more if I can; 21 days would be nice), while of course still coordinating with my sponsor that I won't miss whatever deployment my boat is about to go on. I've had friends who simply called their sponsor and told him/her "I'll be there by my report date" because they want to take their full leave period. Also, I've been contacted both by my sponsor and Lead ELT, and if it's any sway in the matter, while they weren't being pushy, they did make it a point that the earlier I arrive, the better.

I appreciate the help in advance; thank you!


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Those guys are full of it. Take as much as you are authorized

Offline spekkio

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All of it.

Offline GLW

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All of it.

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline MMM

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As much as you feel like, without going over the amount allowed.

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
Hi, I just graduated from ELT quals.....

Welcome to the squad,...

Men will fear you,...

Women will be drawn to you,...

(Neither knows why, but we do)

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline MMM

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Welcome to the squad,...

Men will fear you,...

Women will be drawn to you,...

(Neither knows why, but we do)

"Men" will avoid you.
"Women" will think you are one of them.
« Last Edit: Feb 26, 2018, 08:25 by MMM »

Offline GLW

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  • caveo proditor,...
"Men" will avoid you.
"Women" will think you are one of them.

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline shehane

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  • You never know, do you?
Every second you can get away with and not get in trouble!!!!!
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be! Dirk Gently

Offline ComradeRed1308

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Show up to the ship on March 28th.  If they leave on deployment on the 27th, show up to squadron on March 28th.  Yeah you might be given crap, but never pass up on a good deal now, and theyre gonna give you crap for something anyways.  Might as well make it something worthwhile.  They'll say all sorts of things of why you need to get there as soon as possible, but until you show up they have zero control over you. 


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