No victim mentality here. Entry level work is fine. I am open to additional education. What types of jobs do women usually have (that you've personally seen) during outages? Are they mostly firewatch, ect.? Again, I have never worked an outage. So far I have only heard of "deconner" and "hp." Although I am not sure what hp workers do. Do women usually work in these positions?
1. Are there other types of entry level work?
2. Are there entry level jobs that are not physically demanding/require a lot of muscle?
There are NO jobs in a nuclear plant that are men only. My nuclear plant's Plant Manager is a well respected, and very nice Lady. The pipe-fitter and iron workers unions have very capable ladies in them. Security has many ladies. Your remark just dumbfounds me. I don't know of any department or trade that is male only.
All jobs have an entry level version, and a manager or above version, and many levels in between. Find something you are interested in, and do that.
You mentioned above the 'typical, foot in the door jobs'. Those are typically laborers out of the local union. Some times Deconners are laborers, some times they are specialists. Fire watch, FME monitor, confined space monitor, etc are typically laborer jobs. You could join the local laborer union, and travel that way. You could try other options, but without experience, or a reference, you may have a hard time.
As others mentioned above, talk to the HR at the plant you were at (Why did you leave??) and ask them to help you get an outage job there. Whatever you get in, try to do that else where.
Nuclear power doesn't have very many jobs that don't require skill and experience.