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Topic: Career path in nuclear sector for graduate with NDT and inspection certificatio (Read 5872 times)
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Career path in nuclear sector for graduate with NDT and inspection certificatio
Mar 09, 2018, 07:04 »
I have a B.Sc. in Nuclear Science which I obtained nearly a decade ago. My undergraduate studies doesn't focus much on nuclear and reactor engineering training but I did learn a lot of fundamental topics like atomic physics, nuclear physics, radiation detection, radiochemistry, health physics, and some introductory course on nuclear reactor type and technology.
My country doesn't have nuclear power plant, and there is a very limited position in my country's nuclear technology research institute. So, I did my non-destructive testing (NDT) training shortly after my graduation and now I'm certified as level 2 NDT inspector in ultrasonic testing, radiography and magnetic particle inspection, and I also a certified Radiation Protection Officer. I mainly work in fabrication yard, shipyard, offshore installation facility, and conventional power plant inspecting welds on pipes and pressure vessels, casting products, lifting tools, and once in awhile get the opportunity to inspect components like turbine blade, and subsea valves. I'm eager to get into nuclear industry but haven't any chance to get in mainly because there is no nuclear power plant in my country.
But anyway, my country is planning to go nuclear, so I'm considering to do my M.Sc. in Nuclear Engineering so that I could work in the nuclear industry as a nuclear engineer or inspection engineer in the nuclear industry.
What is the prospect of being an inspection engineer in the nuclear industry? What would I expect to do in the inspection of nuclear power plant like during construction or in-service inspection?
I'm thinking of working abroad to gain some experience in nuclear industry since I have not yet heard of any progress on my country's nuclear power program. Is it possible for a non-citizen to work in a nuclear plant in another foreign country as a nuclear engineer or working on project during construction or outage?
And, normally, what does a nuclear engineer do?
I'm happy to listen to any advice or experience sharing from everyone here.
Many thanks.
Last Edit: Mar 09, 2018, 07:09 by Glenn_Hugh
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