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Offline otherside

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Benefits of RO License?
« on: May 10, 2017, 09:13 »
I'm currently in license class progressing towards getting my direct RO license. I've passed both the GFES and Systems, and am currently on shift getting my hours. However, I don't believe this career path is a good fit for me going forward (other than the pay, I don't like a single aspect of this job) and am seriously considering pursuing other fields - likely outside the industry. However, would it be beneficial to finish this out and receive my license first? I'm not aware of any benefit that it would give me in the outside world, other than to say this period of employment actually resulted in something. I've seen plenty of requirements for a previous SRO license in job postings, but never for a previous RO license. Thoughts? Thanks.

Offline Red Gold

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2017, 02:18 »
"would it be beneficial to finish this out and receive my license first?"

For you, absolutely. For the company, it would represent a significant waste of money and this may not reflect well on you in terms of reputation, depending on where you move to and what kind of formal or informal references happen. I would finish license class and give the job a good year or two before you make any further decisions - for both you and your plant's sake.

Offline otherside

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2017, 04:54 »
Okay, yes, if I stick this out, I'm not intending to bail as soon as the license comes in the mail. Let's say I continue on for a year or two afterwards.... Outside of Operations at this site, what would have having held a license be of use in my career? I would not go into Ops or Training at another site, and would leave Nuclear altogether afterwards, just as I would if I were to resign now...

Offline Red Gold

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2017, 08:21 »
Hmmm... I was actually going to suggest training, because that's where you sometimes find the postings that do specify either an RO or SRO license. If not that, I'm not sure it'd be directly applicable, although fossil/hydro/renewables contain enough people who know what an NRC License is to make it worth putting on the resume if you stay in power generation as a broad category. Good luck!

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2017, 08:43 »
Have you thought about national grid type position? It would still be ops, still be staring at a board full of meters, but would not be nuclear. We lost a couple AO/RO types to grid positions. I've seen them go to co-gen facilities - lots more freedom to be intimately involved in the plant.
What is it that you want to do? Still in large industry? Technical? Field?
Saying you don't like a single aspect of the job really doesn't give us (the old geezers that have been in the industry a while) much to go on to give advice beyond the posts above.
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Offline otherside

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2017, 12:54 »
I like being hands-on, and I don't like being locked in a control room for hours on end. I'm the active outdoorsy type, grew up on a farm, so being stationary for much time really gets to me. I left my last job as an electrical field inspector to come back to Ops because it became too much of a cubicle-dwelling, paper-shuffling gig instead of field work as I was promoted, and now I'm just in a bigger cubicle shuffling more papers. Maybe it's just this plant? In my previous experience as an AO nearly a decade ago at another plant, our ROs also helped out in the plant doing building rounds and surveillances if not assigned to the control room that day, but it isn't that way here - and that balance was a major factor in deciding to take this position. I'm currently exploring my options here to take another role, whether that be non-licensed operator or something else.

Offline Red Gold

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2017, 10:52 »
I'm just confused as to why the heck you didn't go NLO rather than RO. It seems like you're an ideal fit for that kind of role.

Offline ToadSuck

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 16, 2018, 09:16 »
Just in case you ever do let the money win out.....You need to keep your license for at least 18 months from the date on your license. It is the minimum required for other jobs in the ACAD.

Offline otherside

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Re: Benefits of RO License?
« Reply #8 on: Apr 26, 2018, 02:01 »
I'm just confused as to why the heck you didn't go NLO rather than RO. It seems like you're an ideal fit for that kind of role.

I did try to bid NLO back at the time of my original post, but it was blocked by my management.

But just to follow up, I do now have my license. I've been trying to make the best of things, but every day is a struggle. I don't really have any solid plans for an exit strategy, but I do have a few years worth of living expenses saved up at this point to fall back on.


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