I disagree and >24 percent seems very high, typical small business companies make much less and traditionally these service companies are below that average, I suspect there would be more competition in the business and the larger vendors would be back in that part of the service industry as Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering were at one time. Though with shorter and fewer outages that may be what is needed to survive.
hoe kay. two git my >24%, aye used yore 6% + 18% via the federal corporate tacks cut. butt, eye erred, it ain't 18%, witch aye got from this thread, butt 14% making my estimate >20%.
sew, lettuce due sum math. using a rounded number of my home plant pay rate wit d$z of $40/our, and assuming that d$z pays well (caws they all weighs say they dew), aisle estimate there billing of $100/hr. you're 6% profit equals $6 if it was based on the $100, witch it isn't as it is based on the net after costs.
now, they're is a 14% cut in federal tacks. d$z won't pay $35 inn federal tacks, butt $21. now, the billing is the same $100 per our, so theirs an extra $14 going to the company in a net fashion, witch fits the description of profit.
now, that 6% was based on net after costs, and the costs decreased by $14, sew that $6 has increased due too less costs, plus the 14% = >20% profit.