Career Path > Money Matters

what are Traveling Senior Rad Control Tech earning per hour?

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I am a retired Senior  Radiation  control tech.  What do they pay traveling techs nowadays?

pay is dependent on sight contract.  aye think Bartlett is a bout $27, d$z a round $31, small companies $30 n up.

Hanford pays $40/hr, $100/day but you have to pass a test and you can only work a total of (I think) 600 hours by the union contract.
Los Alamos paid $38-$40/hr a few years ago plus per diem, then they took away per diem and paid expenses. Not sure how it is now.  Compa had the contract then.
INL probably pays mid $30s/hr and I think they are back to paying per diem again.  You would have to call Bartlett or Marcom.
As far as outages, I think SloGlo is underestimating it by a few dollars because in 2012-2013 I made $32-$38 at Sequoyah, Farley, and Browns Ferry.

32/85 at oconee, 26/100 at dominion plants, heard a rumor 48/living expenses at INL very recently, 40/115 hanford, 34/80 at srs, 35/120 exelon (including bonus), 35/140 at SanO, 31/110 at southern plants. 40/liviing expenses at los alamos.  40/no diem usually at Oak Creek, 42/no diem at Paducah,  34/110 at Seq/Watts, 38/110 at Browns Ferry, 28/110 at columbia.   these are all estimates and are 0 to 4 years old .  Expect somewhere around 30/110 at most power plants give or take 5 dollars/hr. some places like dc cook pay a little less with a bigger bonus.  DOE sites aat times only pay living expenses and a small $ amount for food or no diem at all if they can get locals/suckers.  A couple plants pay much higher PD like IP and 9mile...150ish.  I think most Entergy plants are about 30 per hour.  Clinton and STP might pay more with some union influence.  Salem was rumored to be a higher than average plant paying 36/130 (that's a guess).  Backup contracts usually pay a higher pay rate with more per diem.

Fightfortheusers Stay retired! Unless you are bored or totally broke $. Pay rates are flat and even going down in some cases while the cost of living/ traveling keeps increasing. Slo glo and hamsamich were pretty accurate in thier posts.
Enjoy your retirement!


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