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Author Topic: Proving Age Discrimination While Seeking New Employment Opportunities  (Read 8880 times)

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I have been in the nuclear commercial and DOE fields for over 46 years of which 31 have been in nuclear training.  I am an Enron victim, losing 2 retirement funds, so no hope of a strong retirement package.  Two years ago I applied for and accepted a position that I no longer want to remain in.  My wife and I want to return to the east coast and I have been applying for many training positions in the private field but have not had any opportunities arise.  Most of the positions I have been applying for I am over qualified for but am willing to take the chance to start over.  I have not received any offers, not even for contract positions.  I have even applied for positions at DOE sites that I have been to in the past and was either laid off from or left with approval from the responsible Manager.  In several cases, the position I applied for was exactly the same position I performed in the past.  I was wondering what my peers feel about this situation and what suggestions they may have.  Is it my age, which is somewhat obvious with my years of experience or maybe something else?

Online Marlin

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Is it my age, which is somewhat obvious with my years of experience or maybe something else?

Probably but even though the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 forbids employment discrimination against anyone at least 40 years of age how would you prove it? I have found that many DOE jobs seem to have a rather artfully crafted language in postings which tells me that they may have a candidate in mind but are required to post the job which is another possible problem. We are about the same age but I consider myself semi-retired as I am no longer willing to travel and the "BossLady" has a house position at a DOE site. Keep an eye on the Oak Ridge reservation (Y-12, ORNL, and ETTP) it has some upcoming work, construction and demolition.

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outage 1st layoff lists seam two have a disproportional percentage of gray beards, but doze that mean any thing?
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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....... I have found that many DOE jobs seem to have a rather artfully crafted language in postings which tells me that they may have a candidate in mind but are required to post the job.....


outage 1st layoff lists seam two have a disproportional percentage of gray beards, but doze that mean any thing?

probably not what you might think,....

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"

Offline hamsamich

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I've seen who they put into DOE training spots at SRS.  Lately it has been homegrowns like supervisors on their way out in a few years.  Sometimes they want contractors though, and many times they will be local people they already know.  Seems like it might be hard to crack that DOE SRS training nut.  just a data point.  and one of the guys was almost 60.

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What jobs are you applying for? Have you talked to any of the recruiters to try to help move the process or do you know anyone where you're looking to go that might be able to help get a foot in the door?

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probably not what you might think,....
think? aye bin proceduralized weigh passed having thoughts 🙄
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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What jobs are you applying for? Have you talked to any of the recruiters to try to help move the process or do you know anyone where you're looking to go that might be able to help get a foot in the door?

I am primarily seeking Technical Training/Technical Training Supervisor/Manager level positions.  The recruiters in most cases are very helpful in getting apps submitted but they are not much help in providing information or support once the apps have been filed with the customer.  Probably not their fault but still frustrating when for over 32 years I have been doing this job and now can't get a bite.  Probably just too old, but don't want to quit trying, just want to go back east.  Lived in the west for over 10 years previously and now its been over 2 years the second time and not where I want to spend my last days.


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Somehow I've managed to not put loquacious and whiner in the same paragraph . . . but that's okay - go ahead and tell us again how everything has gone wrong and how long you've been in the business.


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Somehow I've managed to not put loquacious and whiner in the same paragraph . . . but that's okay - go ahead and tell us again how everything has gone wrong and how long you've been in the business.

Thank you for your support and useful information.
« Last Edit: Jun 06, 2018, 01:33 by Marlin »

Online Marlin

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Offline SloGlo

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  • trust me, i'm an hp
... still frustrating when for over 32 years I have been doing this job and now can't get a bite.  Probably just too old, but don't want to quit trying...
well come too the whirled of grey beards n knocked knees, prevagen and geritol.
« Last Edit: Jun 06, 2018, 05:56 by SloGlo »
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline hamsamich

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I read his posts...just sounded like a dude asking for help but letting us know he was qualified without over doing it.  Jesus why can't we just help somebody out without calling people names here.

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I know there are several plants looking for OPS Instructors in the northeast, although they might be moving to contractors. You might try working with Westwind Group, but I think you have to know someone that works for them to get in.

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There are some Southern plants looking for instructors as well. I just figured if I found it without trying, someone who is actually looking for training jobs has probably already seen it.


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I read his posts...just sounded like a dude asking for help but letting us know he was qualified without over doing it.  Jesus why can't we just help somebody out without calling people names here.

Okay, I was a bit rude.  It was a classic case of "been there, been that" and was tired of reading how, with all his qualifications, he couldn't find a job.  Somehow I've managed to make it through 50 years in this industry (counting my Navy time) and have managed to find a job each time and stay employed.  So, here I am, an old ex-roadie working as a Supervisor while doing training on the side including at the local college.  I suppose I should apologize for not being very patient or understanding.

Offline hamsamich

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I get it, he just didn't over do it like some people do.....we do need to know a little bit of info to be of any help.  SRS put some instructor jobs up.

Offline Ksheed

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Yep, two instructor/training jobs posted in the Job Feed of this very site.


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