Career Path > Navy:Getting Out
How much does rank affect employment?
FENOC (Davis Besse/Perry/Beaver Valley?) is putting NLOs, chem techs, RP/HP, I&C, maintenance, etc,... on the streets in the hundreds within the next two/three years,....
Entergy (Indian Point/Pilgrim/Palisades),...same thing,....
everybody knows they're coming on the marketplace,....
it is not a target rich environment for nub Navy nukes entering the civilian job market,...
maybe in ten years,....for lots of reasons,....
but not in the next 2 to 3 years,...
Yep...actually right this minute would be a good time to get a job for some people but you would probably lose it fairly soon...people are leaving certain plants and creating vacancies...but nobody really wants those vacancies, and they want people with experience who can pitch in right away. As far as RP goes I'm seeing more job ops right now for contractors...not exactly sure why but I think more plants doing decom/fuel, low unemployment rate, people getting older, people moving out of RP, plants shutting down needing temp RPs for awhile, DOE seeming to need more people, nobody wanting to work a 3 week outage for 28/120 might have something to do with it.
None whatsoever.
I appreciate the input everyone! Thank you
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