Career Path > Resume & Interview
Exelon Interview
Hi everybody! Just want to say I will be interviewing with Exelon for the Aux Fuel Handler position on Monday October 1. I am nervous but I prepared and did my research so hopefully I get an offer this time. I interviewed last June for this position and did not get it they told me they went internally and then in june of this year they contacted me to interview again, so hopefully I get an offer. Wish me luck and I’ll keep everyone posted. Thank you to everyone on this site that gave insight on these positions and interviewing tips.
Laundry Man:
All the outage services guys I knew were great.
Good luck,
just want to give an update, i got the job offer from Exelon for the Aux Fuel Handler position!!! Thank you to everybody who gave me insight!!!
Laundry Man:
Where will you be based?
--- Quote from: Laundry Man on Nov 14, 2018, 12:06 ---Where will you be based?
--- End quote ---
At Byron Station with the Fuel Handling group
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