Career Path > General
So now I'm "retired"
retired nuke:
Last day at VY. After 39 years in the industry, I'm dunn.
The plant shut down 3+ years ago, the fuel is on the pad, and Deathstar is slated to buy it and tear it down. I'm not up for a multi year OT project, so I got to retire.
I've been to 24 reactors since I was hired by Atlantic to jump generators in 79. Its been a long strange trip.
VY was the best - the best people, the best area, just the best.
So all of youze still out there, be safe, remember what's important (it's not work...).
retired nuke:
Dunno why the pic is upside down - if any moderator can fix it, I'd appreciate that ;-)
Hey, retired nuke, formerly known as "Housedad"? Don't want to do another dismantlement? They are so much fun, so many surprises. Remember what was important, you may have missed it. Work was not it, but at least it was better than homelessness and hunger.
--- Quote from: retired nuke on Oct 31, 2018, 12:58 ---Dunno why the pic is upside down - if any moderator can fix it, I'd appreciate that ;-)
--- End quote ---
There is no retirement... the lure of the dark side is too strong to resist. Remember that an outage in the spring buys a great summer vacation and an outage in the fall buys a great christmas gift (for yourself or others.)
Seriously, though... congratulations.
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