Career Path > General
So now I'm "retired"
A pension, social security, Medicare, retirement medical, 401K, IRA, and maybe some bonuses greatly reduce the need or desire to go out and work an outage. Add to that not having to get up, drive to work, go through security, follow procedures, maybe pee in a bottle or do some other non-sense. An outage refused buys you a spring vacation. The lure of the Dark Side is no longer strong, but very weak. It is still there and I still hear it calling. Then I realize that I don't have to sell my body to the Dark Side. Retirement is good work if you can get it.
--- Quote from: RDTroja on Nov 01, 2018, 09:25 ---There is no retirement... the lure of the dark side is too strong to resist. Remember that an outage in the spring buys a great summer vacation and an outage in the fall buys a great christmas gift (for yourself or others.)
Seriously, though... congratulations.
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Retirement for a Rent A Tech? Rentateching is practice for retirement. When I get good enough at it, maybe I'll not show up at an outage... until then, practice is perfecting.
--- Quote from: peteshonkwiler on Nov 01, 2018, 10:50 ---Retirement for a Rent A Tech? Rentateching is practice for retirement. When I get good enough at it, maybe I'll not show up at an outage... until then, practice is perfecting.
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I have been telling people I am semi-retired for almost 45 years now.
--- Quote from: retired nuke on Oct 31, 2018, 12:54 ---Snake
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From a Snake to a Family Man to a Retired Nuke. It's been nice knowing you through the journey.
If you would like to visit, DC Cook has two outages in 2019. (Too Soon?)
Good for you, time to do what you want, when you want.
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