Career Path > Outages
Advice for getting into Outages
Hello all-
I was looking for any advice to get my foot into nuclear outages. A little background about me. I am 22 years old. I was attending college as an Information Science major. During the summer of 2017 I applied for an internship with Exelon in the Nuclear Application Support IT department. I completed the 10 week internship and was invited to return in the summer of 2018. At the end of the second internship, I was extended for another 4 months, my last day was 12/31/2018.
Unfortunately, due to some issues last semester with grades, I got into a big argument with my father, who was paying for school and got kicked out of the house. Without his financial support I will be unable to finish school so I am looking to get into outages. I have a couple friends that have worked Decon in previous outages and they told me to look into it, so here I am.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
if yore buddy's are dune outages, talk too them, get there contacts, get on they're cruise, and go make the big bux.
The most important thing to do is build back your relationship with your Father. Outage jobs come and go but Family is always Family. I wish you luck with future employment and finishing school, but first things first. Call your Father, extend the olive branch, and then look for work.
Just my $.02.
--- Quote from: tagline on Jan 17, 2019, 09:30 ---The most important thing to do is build back your relationship with your Father. Outage jobs come and go but Family is always Family. I wish you luck with future employment and finishing school, but first things first. Call your Father, extend the olive branch, and then look for work.
Just my $.02.
--- End quote ---
watt he sayed.
--- Quote from: BigDrew7 on Jan 16, 2019, 10:36 ---Unfortunately, due to some issues last semester with grades, I got into a big argument with my father, who was paying for school and got kicked out of the house. Without his financial support I will be unable to finish school.
--- End quote ---
I started to reply last night, then didn't. Mostly because I believe that what I had to tell you, you were not going to want to hear.
You need to be the the mature man you believe yourself to be. You need to be honest with yourself. You need to realize that the man with the money, makes the rules. If you had such an issue with your father, you likely will have a hard time in the nuclear industry. It is all about doing things you don't agree with. Things you think are silly, stupid, and a waist of time. It's about doing what you are told, and then getting a paycheck.
Think about how many hours you father has to work to pay for that education. Think about what he would like to do for himself with that money. Consider his sacrifices for you.
I believe your reaction to my statements will be that I don't understand. I urge you to step back, and reflect. Search for any truth in my words.
--- Quote from: BigDrew7 on Jan 16, 2019, 10:36 ---I am looking to get into outages. I have a couple friends that have worked Decon in previous outages and they told me to look into it.
--- End quote ---
Ok, now that that is off my chest... on to answering your question.
There are sever ways into Decon. I believe BHI has the exelon contract. 800-225-0385. Ask your friends that worked decon for the contact info they used.
There are other companies that do decon that also advertise on this site. Register in the job board and tell it to send you emails when a decon job is posted.
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