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Author Topic: How Scientific Chance and a Little Luck Helped Usher in the Nuclear Age  (Read 2644 times)

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Offline Marlin

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« Last Edit: Jan 26, 2019, 04:39 by Marlin »

Offline Hobber

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link doesn't work

Offline Marlin

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link doesn't work

Should work now, sorry about that.

Offline hamsamich

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  • And did I hear a 9er in there?
Fermi looks like Monk a little bit....nice.


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"The graphite bricks that formed the structure of the first atomic pile served as a moderator to slow down the neutrons emitted from the uranium slugs embedded throughout the pile, enhancing the probability of fission. Not only are all nuclear reactors based on this effect;"
Read more:

I question this statement from the referenced article.  I realize my experience as a reactor operator is somewhat limited but I don't think it applies to a liquid metal fast fission plant.  I will defer to those with more operational experience than I.


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