Career Path > Getting in
Southeast Nuclear Jobs
Hello, I am currently an ALARA Specialist for a midwest nuke plant, and have a hypothetical question. If I were to want to relocate to the Southeast, it seems my options are somewhat limited. Not to say there are no nuke jobs in the Southeast; you have TVA, Southern, Duke, and Oak Ridge. It seems however that since I am ALARA, my options are somewhat limited. I was wondering if there are also contract companies that I could look at if I were to want to live in the Southeast. Anyone have a list of sorts of places to look if this were my goal?
Thank you!
I the last month, I have seen several postings for positions with Southern Power for ALARA type jobs. Just saw one for Farley yesterday. I bet if you really searched you could find something. You might have to take a tech position for awhile to get in the company. Just sayin...
Is it fairly easy to get promoted from a tech position to what you really want to do if you take that route?
You have to be patient and do your time. If there are others with seniority, education, experience, minority status, veteran status, suckup status that want the job, you may have to wait a long time. If no one wants the job, it may be yours as soon as you are eligible. Your tech time will give you experience and help you develop relationships that will help you when you do get the ALARA position. You have to take that first step yourself in order to move forward.
--- Quote from: Sohner on Mar 27, 2019, 07:20 ---Is it fairly easy to get promoted from a tech position to what you really want to do if you take that route?
--- End quote ---
shore is, it's as easy as getting promoted from any position to yore dream job of choice. gist axe any buddy witch sat inna cubicle too git two an office.
yew want s.e. u.s.of a., call, right, and interview too determine ware you're best fit will bee.
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