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Offline vtran57

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NUPOC Instructor - Is it worth it?
« on: Jun 19, 2019, 05:00 »
I've been in the process to become a Nuclear Power Instructor through NUPOC and am scheduled for a DC interview next month. My motivation behind going the instructor route is that I have an interest in teaching. The plan is to do my 5 years after graduation (I'm currently a Junior), then use my GI bill to go to grad school and eventually teach at a university or even high school.

From everything I've read so far, the instructor position just seems like a great way to get great teaching experience. I could just go the traditional teaching route, but through NUPOC I can serve my country and be paid more than a normal teacher would. Can anybody give me input on my outlook on this? Is it worth it if I don't particularly want to stay in the Navy after my 5 years is up?


Offline Marlin

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Re: NUPOC Instructor - Is it worth it?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 19, 2019, 05:59 »
I've been in the process to become a Nuclear Power Instructor through NUPOC and am scheduled for a DC interview next month. My motivation behind going the instructor route is that I have an interest in teaching. The plan is to do my 5 years after graduation (I'm currently a Junior), then use my GI bill to go to grad school and eventually teach at a university or even high school.

From everything I've read so far, the instructor position just seems like a great way to get great teaching experience. I could just go the traditional teaching route, but through NUPOC I can serve my country and be paid more than a normal teacher would. Can anybody give me input on my outlook on this? Is it worth it if I don't particularly want to stay in the Navy after my 5 years is up?


I do not want to demean experience you may gain in the Navy but;

There is the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way.

Very old Navy saying when I was in and I suspect that has not changed.


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