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Offline Sparrownuke

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will i be denied or granted UA?
« on: Jun 27, 2019, 07:25 »
I am currently applying for UA at a Nuclear Plant I worked at previously 3 years ago.  When I was there the first time I did fail a drug test, but upon successful completion of Outpatient program with EAP I was reinstated with full UA privileges. When I left the plant a little while later it was with favorable termination of UA.   This is the only bad thing on my record and I did just pass a hair drug test to get initial job offer. What are the chances i will be granted or denied UA? I realize these decisions are case by case and dependent on the Nuclear Plant but wanted to get an general idea of my chances
« Last Edit: Jun 27, 2019, 08:27 by Sparrownuke »


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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 27, 2019, 11:04 »
50/50. Depends on the plant and their access requirements, some are more forgiving than others. Call the Plant and ask the Access Supervisors, you have nothing to lose. Be totally HONEST about everything.

Offline Sparrownuke

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 27, 2019, 04:05 »
thanks i know its hard to really say either way, each nuke plant is different- I am hoping since I worked there before, they know the full story and I left favorably that it leans in my favor.

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #3 on: Jul 10, 2019, 05:23 »
Just wanted to give an update.  I was granted UA, the only stipulation is that I am in the follow-up program.  This means I will be pulled more often for FFD alcohol/drug analysis for the next year or so. 
Hopefully this helps people out- there is always hope even if you have something in your past, as long as you are honest.  That being said I do think that me working there before, that I completed an outpatient program and left with favorable termination helped as well.  It does just depend on the plant and situation

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 10, 2019, 07:51 »
good two here. nice too have a follow up on a thread in this subject.
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #5 on: Jul 10, 2019, 09:50 »
Well it appears the system works at least sometimes. A system that has determined that if a bump in the road is incurred by an individual, there will be a documented means of reinstating back to UA status. If the NRC buys in, should be accepted by all. Mistakes are made and if genuinely a one time mistake, a means to return should be , and is, in place. To some, apparently the system is irrelevant in this arena, and once you enter you morph into a lying,untrustworthy, useless member of the dung heap. You could be the guy who recognized that the abnormal parameters of a Condensate Polishing Pp. would start the events that transpired on that fateful day 28Mar79. No sir you would still be a useless junkie that could easily be replaced by any number of old sea buddies.Trolls can be tricky; a recollection of one inquiring about the average air speed velocity of a certain bird made you worthy to cross? Keep America great.

« Last Edit: Jul 10, 2019, 09:52 by fiveeleven »

Offline GLW

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #6 on: Jul 10, 2019, 01:39 »
Well it appears the system works at least sometimes.........

for the OP (and others) best answered on these forums eight years ago,....

.......I work in access so I can give you a little insight but as I tell everyone ---- EVERY utility/site handles it differently. Obviously there is a set procedure but in today's world with so many people out of jobs etc a lot of times they will go above and beyond those standards simply because there isn't a shortage of people that can do the job.

As for being denied or not denied that's really a tough one to give a concrete answer. Did you do any type of rehab yet? That's the first thing the psych will want to know when he interviews you is what are you doing to "correct" the issue. So I believe if you have already taken it upon yourself to enter substance abuse classes then you will have a great advantage.

If you get convicted then you will most likely get probation or have to enter some type of rehab etc ... even if you plead down a lot of times it is contingent upon completing rehab or drug court etc. People call it different things in different areas of the country but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Getting it reduced or dismissed is better than having a DUI on your record. Plenty of big wigs etc have DUI's on their records so that won't necessarily get you denied later on down the road but since it is recent and is still pending that is what will hold you back the most. It hasn't really been "resolved". I work with 8-10 different psychs at least and I can tell you most of them will deny you for substance abuse issues within the past year and no proof of any type of substance abuse treatment classes etc... and if they didn't deny you whoever is over access at that plant more than likely would. You would probably be referred to the MRO as well and they would more than likely not recommend you until you complete the classes as well.

Maybe I stressed the classes a little but that will help you more than anything. 

If you get convicted of the dui my suggestion is to wait on the internship for a short while. I know that's hard to do but time heals all wounds in essence. The reason I say to wait is if you go through the process and end up getting DENIED then you will be denied for at least a year and have to wait and then when you try to gain access again it will show up that you were denied previously. Whereas if you were convicted and wait for a few months complete your rehab and show that you have taken steps to get better it will look way more favorable and you won't have that "DENIAL" status hanging over your head. That is just my honest opinion with my experience in access and I've been here for 2+ years now. I'm not saying don't go for it cause it's not something that will hinder you FOREVER but I just feel that right now with your status up in the air you wouldn't have the easiest path in gaining access.

Find a certified substance abuse counselor and get into the classes ASAP is also another suggestion. If you can get it dismissed then obviously that's better but we don't know the whole story so we can't speculate.


been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #7 on: Jul 10, 2019, 04:52 »
This happened to a good friend of mine.
Hard worker and great guy. Got his UA revoked due to drinking. Left the industry for a few years and decided to get back in.
He gets UA at a different utility. Has no issues but decides he wants to leave.
He has a back issue so he takes prescribed pills.
So far so good...
Applies at another utility and they give a conditional job offer. The offer is conditional on his gaining access.
THAT utility denies it due to
1: His past alcohol history
2: He pills he is taking even though they are prescribed.
The utility that granted him access has a policy stating they will not rehire anyone who leaves unless they were a licensed operator.
So he goes to another utility. Access says no issue..

Someone posted if the NRC is good with it then you get access.
Not true... all they say is follow your procedure.
They have zero to do with granting access and will not give an opinion.

They state felonies are not in and of themselves disqualifying and I have seen that. If the felony has nothing to do with honesty or integrity some will give you UA. Others won’t.
TVA had a rule if you were stopped by the police for any reason and the expected ticket was over 200 dollars you had to report it. I saw a guy lose access over a 205 dollar speeding ticket.
Where I work not says if you didnt get cuffed dont report it...

One utility can revoke you for life over an issue.
A day later utility 2 might say we are good with it.
Not saying that happens but it can.

Offline fiveeleven

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #8 on: Jul 11, 2019, 08:18 »
"Someone" was not inferring that the NRC was in the FFD office handing out pee vials to personnel. "Someone" was bringing up the correct fact that from a programmatical standpoint the NRC most certainly is watching for the proper implementation of 10CFR26. IF a plants program was routinely allowing useless junkies back into the control room, there would definetely be opinions rendered. In order to declare a statement "not true", one must know what true entails. It really doesnt matter how radiation interacts with matter, until it does matter, and then it matters a lot.

Offline GLW

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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #9 on: Jul 11, 2019, 10:37 »
"Someone" was not inferring that the NRC was in the FFD office handing out pee vials to personnel. "Someone" was bringing up the correct fact that from a programmatical standpoint the NRC most certainly is watching for the proper implementation of 10CFR26. IF a plants program was routinely allowing useless junkies back into the control room, there would definetely be opinions rendered. In order to declare a statement "not true", one must know what true entails. It really doesnt matter how radiation interacts with matter, until it does matter, and then it matters a lot.

oy vey!!!

so yes, the NRC says follow your procedure,...

and yes, the NRC vets proper implementation of 10CFR26 (by vetting the procedure(s) which each licensee uses),...

win - win!!!!

been there, dun that,... the doormat to hell does not read "welcome", the doormat to hell reads "it's just business"


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Re: will i be denied or granted UA?
« Reply #10 on: Jul 11, 2019, 04:44 »
My point being the NRC does not grant your access or even have an opinion on it.
They simply look at two items.

1: Does your utility meet the laws and regulations. They audit your procedures for compliance with the law and utility compliance with their own procedures.

2: Is the person under a confirmatory action letter and even at that it is up to the person to reveal it.
Not certain if confirmatory action letters go out to the access world. They are available on the NRC website.


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