I'd like to add the fact that we must always work at keeping our cool because our excitement can have adverse effects on the injured person and the situation at hand.
It's something most of us have to work at yet some possess inate talent.
For the sake of entities such as the utilities, an injured person that is contaminated makes for an Unusual Event thus activating various protocol that could be costly.
In one situation regarding a contaminated/injured person, we took the time to remove Anti contamination clothing while keeping the victim in good spirits and tip my hat to those involved because we could have overreacted; SONGS.
At the same time, as previously mentioned, an individuals well being is much more important and we may clean up later.
When dealing with Medical Personnel or First Responders it is always a great idea to explain existing radiological conditions in Laymans terms and something many of you now understand.
It takes practice and is ever so important. I liked the technique of High, Medium or Low as an example when questioned about the extent of skin contamination by a physician or the like.
In some cases, the dpm method just provides more confusion than it is worth and may fuel an intense situation that usually IMPACTS the VICTIM.
I believe that it is ever so important to suppress the situation by tone of voice , body language and most of all; Clear thinking that comes from PRACTICE.
Have an Awesome Week!