Career Path > Nuclear Operator
Good career path for a Reactor Operator outside of nuclear
--- Quote from: scotoma on Jan 06, 2020, 11:15 ---NukePadawan, you don't say your age or any other demographics. You don't have to exit the Nuclear field. Some ROs that I know that have lost there jobs have taken consulting, procedure writing, and teaching positions that pay very well. Most are temporary or short term, but pay per diem. Some are overseas. Others ROs have left the nuclear industry, taken the payout, and absorbed the culture shock of being less regulated. The special high intensity training that you have received will help you make intelligent decisions whatever you chose. Money isn't everything, and it is not the root of all evil. But the love of money is, so chose what will love you back, it is not the money.
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Demographics wise I'm in my early 30s with a very young family so, retirement or moving overseas isn't really an option. Thank you for taking the time to give me your input though.
I don't know what the license bonus is these days, but it has to be significant. If you are willing to stay in nuclear, consider applying to the utilities with newer plants, like WattsBar or Vogtle.
--- Quote from: scotoma on Jan 11, 2020, 09:17 ---I don't know what the license bonus is these days, but it has to be significant. If you are willing to stay in nuclear, consider applying to the utilities with newer plants, like WattsBar or Vogtle.
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That's not really necessary, a lot of plants, especially those in regulated market areas, are working on license extensions to go out another 30-40 years.
The old plants have old and sometimes obsolete equipment. You have to deal with all the work arounds and sub performing equipment especiallly the non safety systems.
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