...Hey jethro...I worked for ACTS at SRS, the job was good, but like you said, with ACTS(like all the rest) you are just a number, brother, I have heard of Bruce helping out his regular techs in a time of need though..I can truthfully say, that I have never worked for Bruce as a tech....I also worked at PARR from 2000-2003, got hurt on that job, and got released while I was drawing disability,,legal, yes...did it P#@* me off, OH YES!!!!!!!!!.2 back surgerys, replaced 2 discs in my back and the same person that you are working for was the Safety Manager ,..so dont pat him on the back , and call him hero,,,because he looks out for NUMERO UNO......the prior management(Master-Lee) treated us very good at PARR...I think it was mostly Baehr and company, but they let him go also...so like a previous post said...you always have the option of drawing Mass unemployment.....or going to NUCOR ......red