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Offline Madara

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Possibly over a year
« on: Mar 15, 2020, 10:31 »
Hi, I'm currently within a year of my last unescorted access to nuclear plant. When getting on the list for an upcoming outage, this is what I told the recruiter. I'm a outage worker, so my start date is fluid depending on when they need manpower, if there's pre outage work, etc. However, by the time I get the call, there's a chance I may be a year outside of my last unescorted access badge. Will this be a deal breaker with contractors? From what I've researched the only difference between a <365 and >365 but less than 3 years is having to take the psych test.

Offline Madara

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Re: Possibly over a year
« Reply #1 on: Mar 15, 2020, 03:58 »
I'd have to do a brand new initial from scratch all over again? My layoff from the last nuked I worked at was May of last year (favorable). You're saying if I'm not badged by May, instead of going from my last favorable layoff I'd have to be background checked from scratch as if I've never been badged? I thought the start over process was if your last granted unescorted access was over three years ago?

Edited to add:
When looking at the paperwork you linked for initial/update (>365) it appears the questions are "During the previous five years or since your last Unescorted Access, whichever period is shorter" so I'm assuming it actually does only go back to the last time I was badged. I would be considered an "update" instead of an initial.
« Last Edit: Mar 15, 2020, 04:15 by Madara »

Offline snoball

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Re: Possibly over a year
« Reply #2 on: Apr 26, 2020, 12:15 »
I'd have to do a brand new initial from scratch all over again? My layoff from the last nuked I worked at was May of last year (favorable). You're saying if I'm not badged by May, instead of going from my last favorable layoff I'd have to be background checked from scratch as if I've never been badged? I thought the start over process was if your last granted unescorted access was over three years ago?
No, you only have to do a 31-365 days reinstatement, also called an R1Y. Once you go above 1 year, but under 3 years, it's an Update. After 3 years, you get bumped back down to Initial.

When looking at the paperwork you linked for initial/update (>365) it appears the questions are "During the previous five years or since your last Unescorted Access, whichever period is shorter" so I'm assuming it actually does only go back to the last time I was badged. I would be considered an "update" instead of an initial.
You are an R1Y, which means you only have to go back to your last period of Unescorted Access (last May for you). However, some utilities don't yet have R1Y PHQ's, so they'll give you an Update or Initial PHQ and you just go back to your last period of access.
« Last Edit: Apr 26, 2020, 12:16 by snoball »


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