Good afternoon y'all, Bit of a long and complex story here, so please hang with me. Always had a fascination with submarines and nuclear power, so when I went in to talk to a recruiter for the first time back in January I was set on, and excited, for, pursuing nuke. Was ecstatic when I got a 97 on the ASVAB and alpha qualed, went to MEPS on Feb. 27. Failed the color blind test at MEPS, 6/12 or something, learned I couldn't be a nuke, signed as a CTR. Not the end of the world, but I would much rather be a nuke than a CT. Looked into waivers, didn't find much until my recruiter and I found a section in the Navy Med. Manual (15-103) under nuke that stated that waivers existed for individuals who could "effectively discern between primary and secondary colors." Went to a civilian eye doctor, had him test me w/prescription color lenses, passed the PIP test, had him write a letter saying I could effectively tell the difference between primary and secondary colors w/uncorrected vision, and my recruiter submitted a waiver request. Heard today that it was denied, no explanation was given, but my recruiter thinks it may be because the letter came from a civilian doctor. Is there any way I could see a Navy doctor, or possibly re-rate to Nuke after boot camp? Any and all advice would be great, thanks.