Career Path > Navy:Getting In
Navy Nuke Color Blind Waivers
Good afternoon y'all, Bit of a long and complex story here, so please hang with me. Always had a fascination with submarines and nuclear power, so when I went in to talk to a recruiter for the first time back in January I was set on, and excited, for, pursuing nuke. Was ecstatic when I got a 97 on the ASVAB and alpha qualed, went to MEPS on Feb. 27. Failed the color blind test at MEPS, 6/12 or something, learned I couldn't be a nuke, signed as a CTR. Not the end of the world, but I would much rather be a nuke than a CT. Looked into waivers, didn't find much until my recruiter and I found a section in the Navy Med. Manual (15-103) under nuke that stated that waivers existed for individuals who could "effectively discern between primary and secondary colors." Went to a civilian eye doctor, had him test me w/prescription color lenses, passed the PIP test, had him write a letter saying I could effectively tell the difference between primary and secondary colors w/uncorrected vision, and my recruiter submitted a waiver request. Heard today that it was denied, no explanation was given, but my recruiter thinks it may be because the letter came from a civilian doctor. Is there any way I could see a Navy doctor, or possibly re-rate to Nuke after boot camp? Any and all advice would be great, thanks.
--- Quote from: jordanttyler on Apr 21, 2020, 12:17 ---............... a Navy doctor, or possibly re-rate to Nuke after boot camp? Any and all advice would be great, thanks.[/size]
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39 years ago I "re-rated",....
but that's just a memory, and the Navy does change,...
When they deny, they usually have a reason. Even if it's something like "Enough people in rate". That said, CT is not a bad gig and might gig and may even get you on a sub!
--- Quote from: Radwraith on Apr 24, 2020, 07:58 ---When they deny, they usually have a reason. Even if it's something like "Enough people in rate". That said, CT is not a bad gig and might gig and may even get you on a sub!
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That's what I had been told as well, so I was surprised when no explanation was given. I doubt it has to do with finding enough people in rate, as there wouldn't be a 40k bonus if the rate was filled. I'm not upset about CT, but would rather be a Nuke.
--- Quote from: jordanttyler on Apr 24, 2020, 01:13 ---
That's what I had been told as well, so I was surprised when no explanation was given. I doubt it has to do with finding enough people in rate, as there wouldn't be a 40k bonus if the rate was filled. I'm not upset about CT, but would rather be a Nuke.
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Also remember, CT's are spooks! If they've got their claws into you they won't want to let go easily! It's the whole "spy game" thing! That could also explain the lack of explanation. Spooks don't talk much or explain their reasoning unless you're part of the "club". (Which you're not...yet!)
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