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Author Topic: Mobile Practice Tests  (Read 2236 times)

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Mobile Practice Tests
« on: Mar 09, 2020, 01:51 »
Hello everyone, new here. I've thought for a while that it would be awesome if there were a NukeWorker app for the practice tests, but I know that might be more trouble than it's worth currently. I don't have a question here, but I want to let you all in on a trick I used to make the practice tests work on my phone (mobile is easier for me than using my laptop at the moment).

First, I downloaded the Flash Player app for Android and installed the plugin, which says it will work for any browser that supports it. I then went to Chrome and tried, and it still didn't work, so I googled apps that use it and one called Puffin seemed to be the best one.

So I downloaded and installed Puffin, and now I can take the practice tests on my phone. :)  Now, Puffin has a free app with ads, or the "Pro" version for only like 5 bucks or so. The pro one also has a built-in ad blocker. I am not affiliated with them in any way, but I thought I should share my experience in case there are more people who would prefer to take the tests on a mobile device (and let's face it, as more and more younger people are joining the nuclear world, this will probably become a bigger issue in the future).

So there it is. Hope this helps!  :)
« Last Edit: Mar 09, 2020, 01:53 by whoisbaka »


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