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Failed SO/PD II test-2020
« on: Aug 22, 2020, 08:10 »
I recently took and failed the SO/PD test. I have been looking up and down this website to find what source EEI uses for the Analytical Reasoning Thinking skills test. I felt I missed a couple of questions on that section, as well as struggled on the Multi-Task simulator.

If anyone has taken the test, and can point me to any resources, and or books that show how to work these types of problems. I need help with the logical reasoning part.

I felt I passed the math, since its simple conversion stuff, as well as the reading comp.... but struggled with some of the Analytical Reasoning and the damn simulator. The simulator has you do the additions, memorize a set of alphanumeric number as well as the gauge and sound...I struggled bad trying to do all 4 task accurately.  Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciate it as my job depends on me passing this on the re-test.

The analytical reasoning word problem would read similar to this, please note this is a problem that was made up of random names:
You have 5 employees: Brenda, Lisa, Johnny, Karen, Bob. The following conditions must be met:

  • No employee can work more than three days in a week:
  • Brenda and Lisa can work on Wednesday or Friday, but not both due to other obligations.
  • Johnny can only work  on Mondays and Fridays
  • Karen cannot work with employee Lisa


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