Facility & Company Information > Bartlett

Help with Bartlett Travel Pay Issue

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Can anyone give me an idea how to resolve a pay issue with Bartlett?

They owe me travel for an outage and I can't get anyone on the OPS side to even reply to my emails. I had a contact in the home office forward it to a VP in OPS, who also did not have the courtesy to reply. Any ideas on ways to fix this? Has anyone else had similar situations where Bartlett owed them money?

See email chain below for details:

----- Forwarded Message -----
  From:[/b]#### <####@yahoo.com>[/font]
  To:[/b] "####@bhienergy.com" <####@bhienergy.com>[/font]
  Sent:[/b] Friday, April 24, 2020, 10:03:42 AM MDT[/font]
  Subject:[/b] Fw: Travel Check Status?[/font]
  Hello #### -
 I know #### is probably busy with an outage right now, so hoped you could help with payment of my travel check? You can see the discussion between #### & myself in the forwarded emails below.
 As I met the verbal contract conditions that existed when I began working, I need to be paid for my travel from #### to ####. I could also make the argument that, since it is #### that insisted on changing my contract, I should also be paid for my travel back home.
 Thank you for your time & help.
  ----- Forwarded Message -----
  From:[/b]#### <####@yahoo.com>[/font]
  To:[/b] Travel <travel@bhienergy.com>; ####:(Contractor - BSC) <####@####.com>[/font]
  Sent:[/b] Thursday, April 16, 2020, 04:57:45 PM MDT[/font]
  Subject:[/b] Re: Travel Check Status?[/font]
  Hi #### & Travel -
 That is not quite the whole story. Please let me add a few things from my angle:
 1. ####'s new coronavirus protocol was implemented the second day I was at site. I had already worked a full day prior to them changing the rules. So, after being perfectly acceptable the day I reported, now their new rules said I needed to be off-site for six days. (It's not like the rule existed before I left #### and I willfully drove ####+ miles to sit.)
 2. This was training that the plant had planned on me taking on their time & dime when I hired on. As I said at the time, I was willing to sit out the 6 days and then report for training, but changing paid training into unpaid training is not acceptable. (I felt like I was bending over backwards to help make things work by offering to do it at the hotel for half pay.)
 3. I was also being required to buy a laptop to complete the training.
 4. To add insult to injury, the recruiter had promised that I would be covered by BHI health insurance starting from day one. Once I had already driven all the way to ####, I found out that I was NOT going to be insured.
 I feel it is entirely reasonable for me to be paid for my travel out, as I met all expectations presented to me prior to my reporting. I will still be out-of-pocket for my drive home. I know that the coronavirus made it an evolving situation for all parties, but I made the drive and reported in good faith based on the information we all had at that time. Once I had already had all the expense of that drive, it's like I was being asked to accept a new contract that was short a week's pay, required a laptop, and didn't have health insurance.
 Please discuss this with the plant, ####, ####, or whoever else might need to be involved?
 Thank you for your help, ####
  On Thursday, April 16, 2020, 03:52:10 PM MDT, ####:(Contractor - BSC) <####@####.com> wrote:
    He quit, because we were not going to pay him to sit in s hotel room for a week.  He came to #### knowing that his girlfriend worked at a hospital.  When the site found out they said he would have to be in quarantine for 8 days because he had already been away from her for 6 days.  He needed training
   and the wanted the plant to pay him 4 hrs a day to do it.  They were willing to pay his Perdiem, but were not going g to pay him to do trng.  I called and talked to #### and #### and they said it was his choice.  So he quit.
   GetOutlook for iOS
  From: Travel <travel@bhienergy.com>
 Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 3:06:59 PM
 To: #### <####@yahoo.com>
 Cc: ####:(Contractor - BSC) <####@####.com>
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Travel Check Status?
 EXTERNAL MAIL. Do not click links or open attachments from unknown senders or unexpected Email.
 Hi ####,
 #### has sent me a lot of travel forms that I have to go through.  Hopefully yours is one of them.  I am the only one in travel at this time, so I will catchup on it.
 Thank you!!
 #### | Travel & Expenses
 Office: ####
Fax: (#### :P )
 97 Libbey Industrial Parkway
 4th Floor
 Weymouth, MA  02189
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Payroll Group <payroll@bhienergy.com>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:18 PM
 To: Travel <travel@bhienergy.com>
 Cc: #### <####@yahoo.com>
 Subject: FW: Travel Check Status?
 #### - I am forwarding this on to Travel.
 -----Original Message-----
 From: #### <####@yahoo.com>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:51 PM
 To: Payroll Group <payroll@bhienergy.com>
 Subject: Travel Check Status?
 Hi -
 Might I inquire as to the status of my travel pay to Quad Cities?
 Thank you,

Eric Bartlett has helped my a couple times when I had an issue.  Try him.  After that I have no idea.


--- Quote from: hamsamich on Jun 07, 2020, 02:55 ---Eric Bartlett has helped my a couple times when I had an issue.  Try him.  After that I have no idea.

--- End quote ---

Yeah. Eric is always helpful & was my 'contact in the home office'. Still not even the courtesy of a reply from the OPS personnel.

So, no great ideas how to get Bartlett OPS to be professional enough to at least reply to employee concerns?

Guess I can always go through the legal system, but...that should probably be its own thread? https://www.nukeworker.com/forum/index.php/topic,46908.0.html

A quick happy note: (Not about the Bartlett mess...no progress on that front)

NukeWorker ROCKS! I got a PM from someone who saw this thread and...scored a great new job out of the conversation!

Thanks, NukeWorker! Great to have a venue like this to discuss issues...and to network with helpful people!


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