you're overqualified and under experienced to be a useful RP tech at a contemporary commercial NPP outage,...
better you try to go "house" at a commercial NPP not facing imminent closure within the next 10 to 20 years,...
or find a government gig or an associated university gig, where your degree opens more doors into the bureaucracy,...
you're asking and I'm just telling ya,...
If you escape without a did ya do a thread search on the subject flogging from the site swamp,....
actually those floggings have more to do with the notion that persons who do not perform their own research before asking broad based and leading questions tend to take up much more time of the other persons who have to manage those first persons on a daily work basis,...
some folks like to answer nub questions all day,...
those persons are good training instructors,...
management/supervisory types are not training types,...
it's an insight flogging, a premonition thing,...