Reference, Questions and Help > Quiz Help

Adobe Flash Player is ending

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The replacement quiz is located here:

You will need to register, then send me an email, so that I can credit your new account.

Admin guy,
I know you are busy and you seem to run a site that really does not seem to roll in the $.   However I need access to the NRRPT questions which wont run in due to Flash going bye bye.   I am taking the test in less than a month.  Access to the questions does not have to be in any format I could live on any doc. that has all the questions with the corresponding answers.   Any help would be appreciated.   


--- Quote from: jfarmer9999 on Jan 21, 2021, 03:22 ---Admin guy,
I know you are busy and you seem to run a site that really does not seem to roll in the $.   However I need access to the NRRPT questions which wont run in due to Flash going bye bye.   I am taking the test in less than a month.  Access to the questions does not have to be in any format I could live on any doc. that has all the questions with the corresponding answers.   Any help would be appreciated.

--- End quote ---
The replacement quiz is located here:

You will need to register, then send me an email, so that I can credit your new account. Do NOT pay a 2nd time.

So I registered with the zero payment and it gives me limited access.  However I don't see your email address or what you want me to send to you in that email

Lady Nuclear:
I also registered with the zero payment that give limited access.  I sent a message but do not see an email address listed anywhere.


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